
Be nice

Category: Humanities (page 1 of 2)

Reading Reflection #2

The book “You’re welcome universe” is what I have been recently reading. It talks about how Julia, a deaf girl, expresses herself by making illegal grafting paintings. Although spray picture public space is not allowed, she still would risk making art even if she could get into jail for vandalism. in this book, I am currently reading page 189 and believe the story is getting to its climax. My overall impression of this novel is not great because this book tries to justify the vandal crime. However, I recommend this book to people interested in action and thrill because this book contains a lot of exciting scenes. A potential theme for this book is to encourage people to rebel and protest against inequality.

Diary of Xiao Ming

Xiao Ming, an Ex-Red Guard and currently a member of a politburo in the Chinese Communist Party. In this diary, we will explore the turning points of the cultural revolution and the character’s feelings towards the revolution.


Was the Chinese cultural revolution really sucessful? I belive that it wasn’t successful because of the lives it took and cost. 20 million people died during the revolution which made china de-evolve. Some people belive that this revolution started because Mao wanted to be remembered as China’s saviour. However, even to this day, Mao will still be remembered as China’s saviour because he was the person who saved Chinese people from the Japenese invasion.

The Dangerous Chinese Cultural revolution

The Chinese revolution is arguable the most controversial revolution of all because of the violent state. Millions of people had lost their lives in this revolution, the question is, was the revolution worth it? I believe that this revolution was the last act for mao to be remembered as one of the world’s greatest communist leaders, This theory can solidify my claim because, in this revolution, Mao had built a cult of personality around him. If you want to learn more about the revolution please watch our video below. Enjoy.

The Boxers Do Not Deserve a Bad Rap

Do the Boxers deserve a bad rap? I strongly disagree that the Boxers deserve a bad rap because they were fighting for their own country, which is an act of patriotism. Although the methods of the Boxers are doubted, they still deserve recognition for their accomplishments of trying to remove foreign spheres of influences in China. First of all, the idea of the Boxers is noble and respectable, “Support the Qing, destroy the foreigners.” This is very noble because the Boxers are trying to stop the spheres of influence from imperial countries which is ruling over China. However, the method that the Boxers used to protest against the foreign powers involves the brutal murder of high-ranking officials. “Clemens von Ketteler was killed while traveling from Legation Quarter to a meeting at Zongli Yamen.” (The Hutong Education) The Boxers also brutally murdered a lot of Christians because they thought that the Christians caused droughts, which affected the farming economy in china. “The missionaries were stoned, and the children were torn to pieces.” (Hua-Cheng Kwei) Some people might think that Boxers deserve a bad rap because they were very violent and were overdramatic and unreasonable. However, what many people don’t understand is that the Boxers were just ordinary people fighting for their country against the overbearing imperial powers. In summary, the Boxers do not deserve a bad rap, although their methodology of removing foreign spheres of influence is flawed and questioned, they will be remembered in history as people that have attempted to remove foreign spheres of influences.

MSND Magazine

How did the word sinister associated with left handed people

Why do people get MAD all the time


Renaissance Humanism

The aged mother

The famous Japanese story, The Aged Mother is a story about a long time ago, where there was a  cruel, coldhearted leader that made all old people banished and exiled to a mountain. So in the story, The aged mother’s son brought her up to the mountain but when the mother shows him how much she loves him and cares for him, the son decides to bring her down from the mountain. As you can see, we can clearly identify that the theme is about mother’s Love. The big idea for this story is for the author to reflect on how a mother’s love is so powerful it can change an event.

In the story, The Aged Mother, by Matsuo Basho the author, believes that the mother’s love can be very impactful. For example in paragraph 5, the mother says: “The mountain road is full of dangers. Look carefully and follow the path which holds the piles of twigs. They will guide you to the familiar path farther down.” As you can see, the mother placed leaves during the hike, so the son can get down the mountain safely. This action caused the son to bring her back down to the house. Which is clear evidence about how a mother’s love can change an event. Another example of how the mother’s love can be very impactful is when the emperor orders the people to make a rope of ashes. The son faces this problem but then the mother said: “Make rope of twisted straw, then stretch it upon a row of flat stones and burn it on a windless night.” As you can see, the mother loves her son so she decides to help him.

Short introduction of the author Matsuo Basho

A short summary of the story




He could have ran, but he didn’t want to be mistrusted…

This found poem came from a short story called: “Thank You Ma’m”. Parts of this found poem can be found in paragraphs 33 to 36. The internal conflict of this found poem is where the boy has a chance to leave the house, but because Mrs. Jones trusted him, he did not leave. Evidence for this claim is in paragraph 36:” Mrs jones got up behind the screens. The woman did not watch the boy nor the purse. ( As you can see Mrs. Jones trusted him to not steal and not run away) But the boy took care to sit on the far side of the room where he thought she could easily see him in the corner of her eye if she wanted to. He did not trust the woman not to trust him. And he did not want to be mistrusted.” My poem shows the concept of how the boy could have run away or he could have stayed so and be trusted.

Link to Thank You Ma’m

Link to the author

Daniel’s Driving Question 2

Before Project Self, I used to think if we make decisions as a community everyone would be happy but now, I think it would be impossible to make everyone happy. For example, not everyone would make the same decisions, so it is impossible to make everyone in the community. Project Self helped me realize that making good choices are difficult because it cannot benefit everyone so we should try and benefit as many people as we can by making the best decisions. As I continue learning in the future, I would try and benefit the people in my community and make good decisions for the community.

Best realistic fiction book

Far from the Tree Review

Book written by Robin benday

Review written by Daniel


If you like reading about realistic fiction, then Far from The Tree is perfect for you. Far from The Tree contains 3 main characters Grace, Maya, and Joaquin, they attempt to search for their biological mother but on their journey to find their biological mother they must figure out a way to all get along and know each other better. This book contains exciting events and unexpected twists that the reader will enjoy because of their perilous adventure to find their biological mom. This spectacular story is told from 3 different perspectives Grace, Maya, and Joaquin. The author uses foreshadowing to inform us what will happen during the adventure. I highly recommend reading this book because of its unexpected twists and a beautifully written plot.

Image result for far from the tree robin benway review

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