– A device using kinetic energy and turning it into electric or other energy.
– A toy/ device
– Maybe include the use of renewable energy
sketch #1 (It’s very blurry when I make it big)
The idea of this one is creating a toy or device shows the transfer of kinetic energy to elastic potential energy. By pulling downward the the fabric (or something else) to store elastic potential energy, and when release, the ball on top will fly into the air and show gravitational potential energy when it reaches the highest.
- elastic fabric/ anything that is stretchy
- a ball that can bounce
This is an idea of creating a device that use gravitational energy and transfer it into mechanic energy and then into kinetic energy when the fan spins. When weight is added to the platform, it goes downward and pulls the string which is connected to a device that allows the fan to spin. This shows the transfer of energy.
- electric fan
- string
- gear
Using renewable energy of wind and convert it into electric energy in order to charge a phone. There will be a fan (or something) the connects to a device so when the fan spin, the energy will transfer into electric energy and be able to charge the phone that is connected to it.
- fan
- electric generator/ motor
- blade that stores energy
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