Hannah's Blog

The sun will rise and I will try again.

Month: September 2020

Being Greedy Has Consequences

The Monkey’s Paw summative CERER

Having three wishes would feel like having the world to yourself. However, there is always a consequence of something. Thinking and considering people’s words is an important task, in your life. Because it can change your life completely. You may even lose things that you love.  The big idea in this short story is that your greed can lead to major problems. All the way to losses of loved ones. In the story “The Monkey’s Paw” by William W. Jacobs the author believes that greed often empowers the words of your surroundings. When Morris was at the family’s house, he brought the monkey’s paw. But he had no intention to give it to the family. Even when the family wanted the monkey’s paw Morris did not like the fact that they wanted it, he said, “But I warn you the consequences.” (Jacobs 2) Morris even said, “wish for something reasonable.” (Jacobs 2) Morris tried to warn the family in many different ways about the monkey paw. However, the family first wished for two hundred pounds. At first, nothing happened as Herbert son of the family said, “well I don’t see the money.” (Jacobs 3) The next day, a man came to report Mr. and Mrs. White’s tragic news that their son was dead. As the cost of their son the man said in consideration, they will give Mr. and Mrs. White “two hundred pounds” (Jacobs 4) Right now, at this point in the story the wish of two hundred pounds has come true. However, they lost their one and only son. Further in the story in the middle of the night, Mrs. White half crying half laughing yelled, “The paw!’ she cried wildly. ‘The monkey’s paw!” (Jacobs 4) She insisted Mr. White who was terrified of his wives’ action to bring her the paw. Mr. White was hesitant, but at this point, nothing could stop Mrs. White. She was impatiently saying “I wish my son alive again.” (Jacobs 5) Of course, nothing happened at first. Mr. and Mrs. White were hopeless and depressed. But just a moment later they heard a bang following after several bangs on their door. Mrs. White shouted, “it’s Herbert!” (Jacobs 5) However, Mr. White knew it wasn’t, he tried stopping Mrs. White in opening the door. But when she did all they did was try to stop the thig coming from outside. Mr. White frantically found the paw and panted the last wish. Then, silence filled the house. Just because of their greedy wish they lost their son forever. When someone tells you something you should have a moment to think about it. As it clearly shows in the short story “The Monkey’s Paw” there are always consequences to your actions.



Traditions Can Be Different, But Thats Ok

This story “Fish Cheeks” is by Amy Tan. This story is about a girl called Amy who wants to be more American.  Amy is embarrassed of her chinese tradition during Christmas Eve Dinner. The conflict starts when the antagonist which in the story is the minister’s family is invited to Amy’s house for Christmas Eve Dinner. This is when the external conflict kicks in. My found poem concept is to show that tradition is something that you should be proud of but the words are black and is outlined with black marker because the words in this story is not so bright and Amy did not enjoy christmas eve dinner. There are also fishes that are black and white because in the story Amy has a miserable time because of her Chinese family and celebrates Christmas with fish instead of turkey. The steamed fish made Amy so miserable that I wanted to show that in the fishes. This is what my found poem is trying to show.

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