“Quiet Power” by Susan Cain is a book about different personalities and abilities introverts and extroverts possess. This book contains many different sides of stories of introverts. Intoverts in this book does not possess much power in this society and are nonexistence. However, throughout the book, introverts gain more power and rights in this society. I realized a big theme in this book is that intoverts have strengths, just like extroverts, and their potential shouldn’t be underestimated. An example of the theme is on page 51 where it proves that introverts have strong leadership and overall the outcome of their work is better than extrovert’s outcome of the work. Another example is on page 141 this page mentions something called “deliberate practice” the only introverts possess this skill. This means introverts can master something by utilizing the skill of deliberate practice. Last but not least, on page 195 it is proven that “some of the greatest performers of the last few decades are introverts” Even though introverts can come of quiet and shy they can be amazing performers. Although this book gives you a deeper understanding of the different personalities of introverts and extroverts, this book was not entertaining throughout the whole book. The book was also very repetitive and many of the stories contained in the story were basically about the same topic but with different characters. The book also doesn’t have many juicy parts which is why I read a book, and to be entertained, and curious about it. However, this book did not make me feel entertained or curious. Although this book wasn’t very entertaining to read. I learned that introverts tend to have a much harder time in this society but they can overcome whatever is in their way. Introverts also can use their introverted personalities in beneficial ways. The main thing I learned is that different personalities don’t mean any is better and that they all have a reason to be in our society.