My earliest Theatre memory was from when I was in 3rd grade back in New Zealand. My mom had signed me up for this musical camp. You go there for a week, every day and you work with everyone else in the camp to create a musical! I attended the program with my friend Amy! Amy and I love to dance, sing during our free time. Amy was a confident and extroverted friend, while I was shy and extremely introverted. Amy and I decided to audition for a solo part in the musical. I was so nervous during the audition I was looking down the whole time, I felt so embarrassed. We both, however, I was so shy throughout all the acts. My voice was barely heard, I hid behind everyone else, and I just couldn’t take it seriously. I honestly thought it was straight-up embarrassing when I was on stage but when I saw other people, older kids, on stage they were so admirable. I didn’t enjoy it during the moment and whenever I look back at the videos I wish. could go back in time and do the whole musical again. That’s my earliest Theatre memory.