1. I used to think that improvisation was only for people who were skilled actors, not for someone who just started theatre work. Now I think that improvisation is something ANYONE can do if they have the courage to make mistakes.
  2. never say no, and it is okay to make mistakes. This will stick with me because I feel like improvisation takes lots of encouragement since you could be afraid to make mistakes and messing them up. If you know that it is okay to make mistakes it is an encouragement for anyone attempting improvisation
  3. I think I did well on adapting to a character. When I was improvising with a partner, we were randomly given a starting line. Then we had to improvise our character and the scene had to make sense. Something that was a struggle for me was creating lines after lines after lines. Because you need to make the lines make sense and open-ended for your partner to add on to.  I think practicing more would help me improve in improvisation.