1. Who am I?
    Who is your character? Identify all the details: name/age, physical traits, relatives, education, personal opinions, likes, dislikes, hobbies, fears, ethics, and beliefs.

My character is Erika. She is Nate’s sister. She is a teenager who has brunette hair.

  1. What time is it?
    The year, the season, the day, the minute. What is the significance of time?

Summer break during the night.

  1. Where am I?
    Identify the country, the city/town, the neighborhood, the building, the room, the specific area of the room.

St. Claires at an abandoned camping sight.

  1. What surrounds me?
    What is happening in the environment around you? Weather, landscape, people, animate/inanimate objects.

Quiet, abandoned no one near.

  1. What are the given circumstances?
    Identify events in the past, present, future. What has happened, what is happening, what is going to happen?

They are camping at an abandoned camping sight. There is a serial killer who is trying to kill people.

  1. What are my relationships?
    This is more than your relationship with other people. Think about your relationship to objects, characters, and events.

Nate’s sister. Friends with Brooke, Sasha, and Marvin.

  1. What do I want?
    What do you want immediately? What does the character want overall?

Nothing that is identifiable. But she just doesn’t put up with things she dislikes.

  1. What is in my way?
    What are the obstacles to getting what you want?

She meets Pippa the serial killer. But Pippa failed to killer Erika. At last, Erika gets killed by Pippa who got training from her friends Sasha and Marvin.

  1. What do I do to get what I want?
    What actions do you take (both physically and verbally)? What tactics?

There’s nothing my character wants. She just doesn’t seem to care about anything, and she isn’t afraid of the serial killer Pippa.