Hannah's Blog

The sun will rise and I will try again.

Month: February 2022

Engineering Project Blog#1: Define and Inquire


The main idea of his project is for students to show the transfer of energy through their own unique designs. The light source I plan to create is an example of the transfer of energy from electrical energy to light energy. What I like about the images above is how it is super convenient in our modern society. I also like how portable and straightforward the light I plan to create is. However, I am not entirely sure if the light I will be creating is going to be bright enough to provide a solid light source. My engineering project is to create light for anyone who needs a small light source, especially at night. Specifically, this is for my mom, who needs a small light in her room at night when she does not want to turn on the larger lights in the room that are way too bright. The Pros of the types of light sources I want to create are the simplicity of the lights. The creation process is not super advanced either, as I plan to connect the LED light to a battery. On the contrary, the Cons of the lights I am planning to create are that I’m not sure how long they will last and my lack of knowledge on how these light sources work.

Constume Design

Costume design is a work of art. Because the process of creating costumes for a show, musical, theatre act, takes a lot of thoughtful thinking since the costume can make it or break it. The role of the costume is severely important to emphasize the theme and characteristics.

10 Costume Design Factors

  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Social Status
  4. Occupation
  5. Geographic Location
  6. Occasion or Activity
  7. Time of Day
  8. Season-weather
  9. Historical period
  10. Psychological Factors/Personality/Emotion

Lighting Design at Home

When I was creating this video I wanted the vibe to be creepy, and mysterious, as I chose a piece of music that is mysterious and has an ambiance. This piece of painting itself isn’t necessarily mysterious or creepy so I decided to use lighting to create the sense of mood I desire it to be. With limited tools, I used the light in the room and flashlight to create different types of light. I turned on and off to create the effect of flickering and used my flashlight from my phone to isolate the painting from the rest of the room. I also tried moving my flashlight angles from above to below and it surprisingly created this ring type of lighting. That is how I created my lighting design at home.

I used to think that lighting is all about color but now I think that not only can color create mood but the different effects of one single light, and how it can create a mood just by the different usage of the light.

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