This light source works by switching on the switch and then turning the switch off to turn off the light. The electrons of the CR2032 watch battery flow out of the battery’s negative terminal, through the bulb, and back into the positive side of the battery to make the LED light up. Some areas of success during this project were that I found a solution whenever it did not go as planned; for example, when there wasn’t any voltage, I clipped off the connection between the copper wire and that created voltage, and when the LED did not turn on I tried a different LED light, and it worked. Reflecting back on this project, I could improve the size of the light. I should have used a more prominent light source to create a brighter light and prepared the primary materials beforehand so that I didn’t encounter the challenges of finding materials in the middle of the project. The impact on the environment would reduce plastic pollution since I am reusing a jug/jar that would be thrown away. I am reusing plastic that could potentially end up in landfills or oceans. The potential owner of this light is my parents, specifically my mother, who likes to look at her phone before she sleeps at night, and this light could help prevent her eyesight from becoming worse.