
The first step of painting this scenic painting was scumbling,  my group blended yellow, red, and brown paint to create a brick-like color as a background. The second step was lining, my group used gray-colored paint to line the shapes of bricks, it gave a general idea of the placings of the bricks. The following step was highlights and shadows, it’s the white and black lines on either side of the gray lining, the purpose is to give the dimensions of the bricks and make it look realistic. The next step was texturing, it’s the dark shades spreading from one side of the brick, the purpose of this skill is to give the feelings of a real brick wall. Last but not least, splattering, our group used purple, green, and blue watery paint and splattered it evenly across the scenic painting. That is how the scenic painting was created!


Overall, I thought me and my group did an excellent job in displaying the scenic painting skills such as scumbling, lining, etc. If we did it again maybe we could make the lining thicker so that you can see the distinction of bricks better from afar. What I realized while creating this scenic painting is that it does not have to look perfect from up close, because this is only going to be seen from a distance by the audience.