
At the start of the episode, Es commented that her practice over the years has been to follow the path of inquiry and then find collaborators who are willing to share their paths with her. What does this mean to you?

To me, it means that people with the same interests come together to create more remarkable and more astonishing projects. During the creation process, the people who collaborate share unique ideas of their own and think of a more incredible picture with the impressive views of all the people collaborating on this project.


During the episode, Es stated 5 ingredients of stage design.. (and perhaps photography). What are the ingredients?

Ingredient 1: ____space__________


Ingredient 2: _____light_________


Ingredient 3: _____darkness_________


Ingredient 4: _____scale_________


Ingredient 5: _____time_________

Pick ONE ingredient and describe or explain what it means according to Es.

The fourth ingredient scale means people of different heights and sizes in relation to the scenic design to Es.



For “Watch The Throne” tour featuring Kanye West and Jay-Z, Es questioned what the word Throne meant to the artists. For them, Throne was being on top and then having to fight to stay on top — in other words, the Throne meant the tension between power and vulnerability. Can you describe how she created a design that communicated the ‘tension between power and vulnerability”?

Kanye West and Jay-Z were standing on boxes that were above the audience. This shows power because they are above everyone else, and they have dominion over the audience. Still, it also indicates vulnerability because Kanye West and Jay-Z are both on boxes that don’t have safety barriers. With a small trip, there is a possibility of falling off the boxes, and while on top of the box they are exposed to the crowd, everything they do will be shown. That is how Ez created a design to communicate the “tension between power and vulnerability.”