Hannah's Blog

The sun will rise and I will try again.

Month: September 2022

First Mask Experience

Today was the first time I tried wearing a full face mask, it was a new and different experience but I enjoyed the unfamiliarity of using masks.  When I put the mask on my face, I felt like a different character and not myself, I also couldn’t talk so I only had my body to express my thoughts and feelings, after taking the masks off I felt like I was in a different world, it was really weird and interesting at the same time.

Chair Duet Reflection 1

  • Some stories that naturally emerged are friendship, family, and occasionally enemies. Because some movements seemed more aggressive and unfriendly than others.
  • To be honest, it was awkward at first because I’m usually never comfortable with physical touching, so it was unusual for me. However, when we were working through the routine it didn’t feel as awkward as when we were walking through the moves step by step. It also kind of made me laugh because the routine was unusual to me.
  • Some challenges I faced were coming up with new ideas and making the routine flow altogether. Since we had to work with three different people we had to come up with new ideas, or else it would be repetitive and boring, and at the same time, we had to think about how we were going to connect each move to the next and make it seem natural and smoothly done.

Physical Theatre Reflection#1

Something I understand now about physical theatre is that you need to build trust between you and your peers, and there are several different skills within physical theatre such as tempo, and levels.

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