Hannah's Blog

The sun will rise and I will try again.

Category: humanities (page 2 of 2)

Day One Simulation!

Day One Simulation Reflection!

During the activity today, I personally had a job to make the for the group and I also went to trade stuff with my other teammates. As a group, we decided the law so its fair for all of us not only one of us. We also made symbols to agree with. One of my teammates were writing and one or two of us were trading. We basically shared ideas so some people did multiple thing for example, trading and making the laws. Some people went to trade and also make the symbols. So as a group member I think we worked well because we shared ideas to other teammates and there were no arguments unless if you count recommendations.

Our biggest accomplishments were to communicate with each other and get works done. Because we were finishing our jobs one by one. Our weakest point in the civilisation was that we did gather almost all the stuff, but we didn’t get to trade the tape sadly. So, we couldn’t really build anything since nothing would really stick together. Also, when we were about to build one of the other groups were finished so we basically couldn’t survive.

If we do this activity again I would change that some people should work on something else. So we can gather everything all together to make a temple

Come On, Let’s Move to the River Side!

Come on, Let’s Go to the River Side! 

I think it’s a better idea to live near the water. Because overall everyone needs water to live and if you don’t you apparently will die. I mean though you live far away from the river you still can drink water but what if you need it in emergency, but you must walk say for example at least 2 km. This is something I think that is one big thing. Well there are still so much other reasons that I think it is to live near the water. 

This is another big reason I think you should live near the river.  When your farming you need to have good soil, and if you live near the river you can also give water to the plants. But if you live far away from the river you won’t be able to water your plants every day and that causes not so good soil. 

If you live near the river there might be fishes in the river so you can go fish instead of just hunting. 

Another reason why I think you should live near the river is because it saves your time. What I mean by that is if you live near the river you can just take 1 min to go and get water but if oyu live far away from the river it can take you 2 hours to go and get water. So then if you live near the water after you get water you can spend some money. When other people who lives far away from the river still must walk to go and get water. 

Don’t you feel like water just gives you a healthy calming mind? Because I honestly think it does. Because if you live near water/river the air won’t be so dry and it makes you breathe in better air. 

So that’s why I think living near the water is better than living far away from water!

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