This video is an overview of the Cuban Revolution and whether we think the Cuban Revolution was worth it or not. Our goal was to create a video easily understood by anyone who has an interest in Cuban Revolution. Including an idea of Cuba’s history, its background, and its economy. The video also contains what caused the Cuban Revolution and what happened after it. We concluded the video with changes and continuities since it’s important to mention. Overall, I learned, when a country corrupts, it’s most likely that many will have complaints about inequality, poverty, etc. Eventually, the accusations spread. However, the one who caused corruption is unbothered to change. It leads to impatience, and that’s when you can predict a revolution. You can see an over occurring pattern within rebellions. Inequality caused both Cuban and Russian revolutions to occur. It was evident that some got treated unequally while some got praised. Now we know inequality was why it caused the Cuban and Russian revolutions.