1. This pin is made after my favorite food Pizza.
  2. I had three designs in total including the pizza, the reason why I chose the pizza was since the other two designs were both too plain and simple, a pizza, however, included bright colors and multiple different shapes.
  3. In this project, I am most proud of my sewing ability, although it was definitely not the best. Before this project, I had barely any sewing experience yet I was still successful for the most part.

4. Sewing and working with fabric was new to me but working with fabric was especially hard since I had to sew multiple layers on top of each other. I eventually overcame the fabric problem just by selecting thinner fabric making it easier.

5. To students doing this project next semester my tip is to be extra careful when you are sewing with conductive thread since the slightest mistake can make you re-thread everything.

6. I would like to learn new stitches to use in different situations.