
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

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Engineering Project Post #4 Reflect and Share

This car works by winding the back wheels and then releasing them on the ground. By pulling back the back wheels, you are rotating and building up potential energy for the rubber band; once you let go of the back wheels, it begins to unwind. All the built-up potential energy converts to kinetic energy propelling the car forward.

A successful area of this project was the amount of distance this car could travel for its size. Before creating the final product, something my partner and I were both extremely nervous about was whether our car would be too heavy. If it was heavy, then the distance traveled would be small. So my partner and I used less dense material to further the distance the car could travel.

Something that could be improved in the future is the precision whilst making the car; many small mistakes were made in the process that eventually built up into a large issue, which caused us to slow down and waste a significant amount of time.

This project positively impacts the environment since it is largely made out of recycled materials. For example, we used old bottle caps, old CDs, old straws, and even crushed plastics of various unused materials.

Engineering Project Post #3 Create and Improve

The process has been successful for the most part so far, however, there are many small problems that have been tedious. One of the problems that my partner and I have run into is that the back wheels cannot stay on the ground, because of this the car is not traveling the maximum distance it can go. To fix this, my partner and I added weights (as shown in the fifth picture) to force the back wheels on the ground. My partner and I also decided to slim the car down to 20cm to reduce its weight and further the distance it is able to travel.

Engineering Project Post #2 Develop and Plan


I sketched out the outline and basic look of the car so that my partner and I had a general idea of the shape we wanted to build. In order for the car to be as efficient as possible, lighter materials will be used; things such as straws or chopsticks will be used over heavy metal items. Since the car is large compared to a single rubber band, the rubber band that will be used will be made up of multiple rubber bands tied together. For the wheels, the surface has to be as smooth as possible to reduce friction; this will cause the car to travel more distance. Hot glue will be used to keep the car together.

First Lesson: Gather all the materials and start building the back two wheels.

Second Lesson: Start building the front wheels and body of the car.

Third Lesson: Glue everything together and start building the rubber band that will be used.

Fourth Lesson: Test Car and note down issues for improvements next class

Fifth Lesson: Fix issues from the last class.

What I am Reading

Title: Private Peaceful

Author: Michael Morpurgo

Page#: 84

Response to what I have read so far:

The book so far is about the everyday life of the main protagonist Tommo Peaceful, his two brothers, and his love interest Molly. The main conflict in the story is that both Tommo and Charlie (Tommo’s older brother) love Molly, however since Tommo is the younger brother, Molly ends up with Charlie.

What I am Reading

Title: I Am Malala

Author: Malala Yousafzai

Page#: 158

Response to what I have read so far: The author Malala writes the book to show the struggles and problems that the people of Pakistan face on a daily basis. The events described in the book were surreal to me, I could never imagine the oppression that Malala faced whilst her town was under Taliban rule.

Police Car Circuit Project




Here are my two plans, I planned to make a police car that could make siren noises and has LEDs that could light up. I originally wanted to make 8 LEDs where 2 would red, 2 would be blue and 4 would be yellow, however, as time went on, I noticed that I would not have enough time to sew, stuff, and add 8 LEDs to the project, so instead I used the LEDs on the circuit express. Another thing that changed was the wheels on the car, when I made wheels, the wheels could not support themselves so instead, I replaced them with wings so that the car could look a little futuristic.

Here are the cutouts of the side of the car.

Here was the car after sewing everything together.

Here is after I put the wings and the conductive fabric on.

During this project, I have learned how to manage my time better, for example, I decided to create a timeline that would manage everything I do each day, for instance, I made myself plan the first two days, then sew the next 2 lessons and work at home to finish the sewing. If I see myself doing this again in the future, some of my ideas are making different types of vehicles such as motorbikes or a plane.





Here is the final product of the police car/plane, the toy could make a siren noise that could go on until you stopped reset it and there were LEDs that would have an animation that made the toy look more like a police car. Overall I am pretty happy with what the outcome was, however, I wish I was given more time so I can add more LEDs in.

Pizza Pin

  1. This pin is made after my favorite food Pizza.
  2. I had three designs in total including the pizza, the reason why I chose the pizza was since the other two designs were both too plain and simple, a pizza, however, included bright colors and multiple different shapes.
  3. In this project, I am most proud of my sewing ability, although it was definitely not the best. Before this project, I had barely any sewing experience yet I was still successful for the most part.

4. Sewing and working with fabric was new to me but working with fabric was especially hard since I had to sew multiple layers on top of each other. I eventually overcame the fabric problem just by selecting thinner fabric making it easier.

5. To students doing this project next semester my tip is to be extra careful when you are sewing with conductive thread since the slightest mistake can make you re-thread everything.

6. I would like to learn new stitches to use in different situations.

How Did a Swim Cause the Cultural Revolution?

Jakob Shen and Harry Lee

What caused the Chinese Cultural Revolution to start? Was it, chairmen Mao swimming or was it because of the Great Leap? This video goes through four main events which are, ‘The Great Leap (1958 to 1962), The Red Guards (1966 to 1967), The Power Struggle (1968 to 1971), and Mao’s Death. (1972 to 1976).’  These events will explain how the revolution started, incidents that happened, and how the revolution ended.

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