2,000 Feet Under

“Trapped”, which was written by Marc Aronson, is a book about hope, teamwork, and problem solving. This book zooms in on the rescue mission of 33 miners, who were trapped in a mine for a total of 69 days. Buried 2,000 feet below the Chilean Desert, the rescuers above land face challenges, while the miners struggle to survive underground with limited resources. A theme the author could be trying to show is that with teamwork and a hopeful mindset, your chances of success will increase. Hints of this theme can be found throughout the book, where working as a team brings them together. Furthermore, the rescuers only find the trapped men because of their motivation to find the lost men, which was brought on by hoping and believing they were still alive.

You should read this book because firstly, it’s fascinating to learn about how the world rescued the miners from so far down. Second of all, the story follows the miners’ perspective, and I found their story very interesting because of their challenges and problem solving in pressuring moments. Even though nothing in this book connects to current issues, it was an interesting read and I learnt a lot from it. I would recommend this book to people who like reading non-fiction more than fiction, because the book consists of more informational text than narrative text.

In this unit, something I learnt was that there are so many little things you could pay attention to when reading to find the author’s bias/argument. For example, you could find the author’s argument when just looking at their word choice, and the tone used when talking about a certain perspective. The way you can tell what someone’s argument is through their speech and tone is really interesting to me.

One thought on “2,000 Feet Under

  1. I really like how you have specific quotes from the book as evidence, and I also like how you explained why you didn’t enjoy this book as much by explaining the ratio between storytelling and nonfiction in the book. I think that you could improve your book talk by providing more reasoning to connect your quotes to the theme, especially the part about the hopeful mindset.

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