Brexit 1776

This is the American Revolution Common Craft Video was made by Jaslyn, Erica, and Michelle


The American Revolution was all about fighting for independence and freedom. The American Revolution started as simple protests, then escalated to war, as the British were infuriating the colonists with acts and taxes. The colonists wanted independence, so they worked very hard to earn it, and after many battles and many negotiations, results in the United States of America we have today. Throughout the process of learning about this revolution, I found that revolutions were all about coming together to fight for something you believe in. Another thing was that if people are pushed to the breaking point, they will risk everything to fight for and get what they want.


(All images are from Wikipedia)

One thought on “Brexit 1776

  1. I love all the photos that are shown and the photos were a great help to understand and follow along. Your voice is very clear and it is very easy to understand. I learned that the American Revolution had a lot of things going on such as the tea act, taking independence, etc and it’s very interesting! Good job!

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