Sherman Alexie Book Socratic Seminar Self Reflection

Socratic Seminar Self-assessment


Did I display the following behaviors that contribute to productive discussions?


___Yes___ 1.        Expressed my ideas, opinions, and views


Most of the time. One time, we discussed Mr. P that was way back in the book.                                                                             2.        Stayed on the subject of the discussion


___Yes___ 3.        Listened to what others were saying


___Yes___ 4.        Allowed others to finish speaking without interruption


___Most of the time, sometimes I looked for the text in the book___ 5.        Had eye contact with the person who was speaking


___Yes___ 6.        Had eye contact with others while I was speaking


___Yes___ 7.        Maintained good body language


___Yes___ leaned forward


___Yes___ visually followed the flow of the discussion


___Yes___ no distracting gestures



Strengths: I came more prepared this time and had more to say. I participated more than last time and tried to dig into the details of the writing.

Weaknesses: I needed to keep eye contact with my teammates when speaking. Sometimes I would look above the ceilings when trying to brainstorm what I would say.

Socratic Seminar Reflection


  • coming prepared to the discussion with notes and annotations.


  • not participating in conversations as much, need to dig into the details that the author used in the novel
  • Did not start a conversation or ask a question


  • I will try to lead the team with guiding questions and more comments to lift my participation score.

Steps to Reach Goal:

  • provide questions and detailed answers to the question

Poem Literary Analysis Essay Reflection

Strengths: used supportive quotes for the written claim. And I also had an interesting introduction that includes the background information for my poet and how it relates to the poem I chose to analyze.

Weaknesses: when it comes to conclusion, I don’t really know what to write. Need to study or find better exemplars that have an interesting, efficient conclusion. I should use an in-text citation to cite where I got my poet’s background information from, and I could use more supporting quotes.

Goal: I need to organize my essay better. Sometimes I would end up using a quote over and over again, but that’s not what is expected. I would need to go back and constantly edit.

Action to Achieve Goal: Have an organized, great constructed outline before I start drafting my essay.

Quarter 1 Reflection

Strengths: One thing I did well this quarter was speaking. For the Socratic seminar, I got ready to talk with notes in my notebook and pay attention to other people, but I still need to work on my speaking language. Sometimes in discussions like Socratic seminars, my tone would not be formal, causing my language use grade to decrease.


Weaknesses: I need to work on my reading and writing. For homework, I would want to focus more on analysis and editing. If I dove deeper into analysis, I could tell and understand how effective my writing is to the reader, which would affect my grade for my portfolio reflection. Throughout this quarter, a lot of my writing contained some grammar issues.


Steps I can take to improve: As I write, look back at what I just wrote and check for grammar mistakes. So I would not have to skim and scan everything through before the deadline. I would also want to study more about literary devices so I would not have trouble understanding the figurative language that a writer uses in their story.

Independent Reading Update

The book I’m currently reading is entitled “I am the Messanger.” This could be a book that I will use for my essay because the author always leaves a sense of suspense on what is going to happen. Using foreshadow to state a statement and even some harsh language to describe characters in the book. Many settings have appeared throughout the book, but not many explanations and descriptions of locations are shown for now. The story’s POV is first person. When the protagonist Ed is sent to assassinate a man, the author uses foreshadowing to hide the identity of the man until when Ed tells the man to reflect on what he had done to his wife.

Overall, I think this would be a book that I’ll use for the essay.

Common Vertical Goal Setting

What I did well:

  • Creativity used in my common vertical assesment
  • vert imaginatvie piece

What I need to work on:

  • careful editing of my written work
  • organize my time better
  • plan before class, so I won’t sit there thinking for a story

Goal: when writing timed essay, brainstorm what I want to write before class. Read through what I wrote before I hand in the piece, make story clear and fix grammar issues.

Independent Reading

This is the book that I read during the weekends. From my last blog post, I set a goal to read 30-60 minutes a day. (depending on schedule) Since I did read before the weekends, I am now half way through the book

English 9 SWOT and Goals

a brief reflection on strengths and weaknesses

My strengths are:

  • I can raise my reading paste if I listen to an audiobook while I read
  • I can speak in a loud and clear voice (but not in front of the class)

My weaknesses are:

  • I am a slow reader
  • I have a weak use of vocabulary when writing
  • I am not a creative person when it comes to writing, I can barely think of a topic especially when I write a narrative

include goals related to each of the key skills in this class

  • I will try to read 30-60 minutes a day, (depending on how long my outside school activities take) it will help me increase my vocab numbers
  • take notes of vocabulary words that are new to me so I remember them easily

write about the resources that are available to you to help you to achieve your goals, along with potential obstacles

  • School library
  • Internet (in case there’s no hard copy of the book I want)
  • Notebook (for vocab)

10 Years of Hunger

Let’s meet Xiao Wang. He is a capitalist during the Cultural Revolution. But instead of getting raided by the Red Guards, he sacrificed himself to join the Red Guards so his family would be safe. Xiao Wang hates to participate in raids, but he had no choice. It the most exciting day when Mao dismissed the Red Guards. He then slowly transformed to a capitalist roader. The decision Mao made has made Xiao Wang disappointed. Read Xiao Wang’s journal to find out about his experience during the ten years of hunger.

Red Colonization

picture source

“Die fighting to protect Chairman Mao!”

From 1966-1968, the color red spread all across the country. Including millions of red guards, 740 million copies of red books. This video includes what influenced Mao to stand up, right and wrong decisions made by Mao, swings and problems between members of the party, and deaths of leaders from the communist party.

Introduction: George

Cause of Revolution: Jerry

The Great Leap Forward: George

Start of the Proletarian Cultural Revolution: Jerry

Power Struggles: Boyan

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