
( Should Ban )


Think in your brain, picture yourself in the woods, what do you see? Full of plastic bottles and trash. Now turn back the time to 1920. In the same woods, you can see nature and plants. There are no plastic or trash. Nowhere. We are being lazy and littering everywhere, the government should ban single use plastic because: one, plastic pollutes the environment. Two, plastic can damage marine life and three, humans use it too much.



Firstly, plastic can pollute the environment. This can be why the AQI is high. According to, an article called “ Why Canada’s Single use Plastic Ban Could Help the Environment and Wildlife” stated: In Europe, an estimate of 400 million metric tons of CO2 are made each year. Plastic is the main problem for the high level CO2. There are many effects for instance, 6.3 billion tonnes of plastic are now on earth. ( ) That can explain why the CO2 is so high. We get this consequence because we are lazy, we produce too much plastic.



Plastic is damaging marine life. Again, we are lazy and we litter. Then the garbage gets blown into the ocean.  An website called converseturtles Stated: over 1 million marine animals ( including mammals, fish, sharks, turtles and birds ) are killed each year due to plastic debris. Also, according to, 12.7 million metric tons of plastic are now floating in the ocean.  Another website called said: In the north pacific ocean, 92% of the mass is large plastic objects. These two pieces of evidence are important because the earth is now pilled up by toxic plastic.  If the government ban plastic, sea animals can be safe. Banning can also make us safe. Because humans are the one who is destroying the earth.



Third, we use plastic too much. Some people say: “ plastic is cheap and easy to use. However, stated 300 million tons of plastic is produced each year and 50% of that is single use plastic. Again, when the plastic ends up in the ocean, the sea animals will eat it and get sick because its toxic. Then, the humans capture the fish and sell it at a restaurant or eat it. This means we are also eating plastic and can get sick. Well, animals and an enormous amount of people will be sick and might die because of the toxic in the plastic.



The government should ban single use plastic and plastic because One, plastic pollutes the environment. Two, plastic is damaging marine life. And three, we use it too much. When we ban plastic, people might start taking action. Now picture yourself in the woods after the people took action to clean the plastic and after the ban, look around. You see no more plastic bottle and wildlife animals are back. For the good of the earth, plastic should be banned