Socratic Seminar Self-assessment
Did I display the following behaviors that contribute to productive discussions?
___Yes___ 1. Expressed my ideas, opinions, and views
Most of the time. One time, we discussed Mr. P that was way back in the book. 2. Stayed on the subject of the discussion
___Yes___ 3. Listened to what others were saying
___Yes___ 4. Allowed others to finish speaking without interruption
___Most of the time, sometimes I looked for the text in the book___ 5. Had eye contact with the person who was speaking
___Yes___ 6. Had eye contact with others while I was speaking
___Yes___ 7. Maintained good body language
___Yes___ leaned forward
___Yes___ visually followed the flow of the discussion
___Yes___ no distracting gestures
Strengths: I came more prepared this time and had more to say. I participated more than last time and tried to dig into the details of the writing.
Weaknesses: I needed to keep eye contact with my teammates when speaking. Sometimes I would look above the ceilings when trying to brainstorm what I would say.
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