1. Explain what the phrase Formal Elements means in photography.

Formal elements means the different parts that make up a photographic picture,  and have the 6 different elements of formal elements are always used together at the same time.

  1. Describe each of the 6 elements discussed so far (line, shape, pattern, texture, tone, focus)

Line: Line is a point where it is present through an area of the space of the picture.

Shape: Shape is an element in which multiple lines are linked to be representing one larger shape.

Pattern: A pattern is an element where a series of shapes that repeat itself as a type of repetitive style to make an interesting shape.

Texture: The texture is the general feeling of the photo if it were touched in real life.

Tone: The tone is the lightness and darkness of a picture, and how it would be like in real life.

Focus: The focus is the main idea that the picture is about, and how it is displayed in the picture.


  1. Give an example that emphasizes each element –








  1. Can an image show just one element at a time? Justify your answer.

No, an image can show many elements at a time. Many lines can make a shape, many shapes can make a pattern etc. It cannot be justified as one singular element as it could be more than one at the same time.