
There is no end. Only new beginings.

Category: CASE

MCC Reflection

How did you feel after speaking with Ross?

After speaking with Ross, I think that I want to gain more in-depth information about their club, and the different campaigns they are currently holding, and how they can affect Masaka cyclists as a whole.

What are you excited about?

I am definitely excited to work with the members of MCC, the cyclists, and Ross because it is very interesting how we can use our design to help the MCC design more effective use of their technology.

What are you nervous about?

I am nervous about whether or not I may make a mistake throughout the design and ultimately mess up the whole thing, and  not having an impact on the MCC.

CASE word cloud, Hierarchy ETC.


SMART= Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.


Back and forward= I made a building for my shelter because I think that a building may be the most convenient place to be in when anything hits. Unlike a boat or car, a building is the most stabilized. In addition to this, I added a helicopter pad, in case some incoming intruders want to invade this territory, and I can have an easy escape route. If the helicopter is out of reach, like a fire, then it is always necessary to have a backup plan, which in my case, is a private jet.


Smart 1) I think that I can improve the quality and the technical form of my shelter, this is because I didn’t know that we were expected to put on the shelter that we made. The needs and wants to have not been fulfilled because the shelter hasn’t been exactly organized and filtered in a way that could be convenient for anybody. But if I think about it more, I think that although there are a lot of things to improve, it is still quite convenient in case all the shelters in the world are broken and unusable.


Smart 2) The interior of the building is very unorganized, and since it’s empty, the reality cannot tolerate such emptiness when using the shelter as an emergency plan. The exterior can be added with a lot more detail, such as the outlines of the private jet. But due to time constraints, I couldn’t finish the details in time.


Smart 3) The cylinder looks on the exterior of the building can be remodeled into a rectangular prism with a triangular prism on top of it to make it look like a classic shape of a home. This can make it seem more realistic, instead of the unique style of the cylinder which is rarely seen to be built in for shelters.


Smart 4) There can be so much more meaning to the jet if the compelling questions and the enduring issues are written down. This is because, without the compelling questions and enduring issues, the shelter isn’t really much of a use except of an actual house. But with the compelling question and the enduring issues, it can show that the house is actually intended for something else.


Smart 5) There could be more labeling on the paper pieces on the exterior of the shelter, for example, these papers could be labeled with as to why these lines are put here, the uses that the user might like to fight for, can be easily changed in the use of paper. The model f the construction may be many times easier.


Effectively apply design thinking practices to generate divergent ideas: I think that I have clearly created an original idea, because I designed it as it would be the most stable, and more convenient type of structure and shelter. This is why I think that I will get a beginning or an approaching for this strand.


Demonstrate growth in technical and design skills: I think that in my shelter, I have demonstrated technical and design skills because as I said before, the idea is always original, I haven’t gone online and searched for the tutorials like some other members of the class about making things for the shelter project; I think that in this strand I will also achieve an approaching and the beginning because I haven’t gone so much in detail for my shelter.


Document the design process, sharing my product, and learning with others: I think that I haven’t done any documenting for my design process, but I still did at least a bit of sharing my product, and giving feedback as well as receiving feedback from other students and peers of the class.

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