Independent Project – Create & Improve
Tarot Card Design
Design poster: Tarot card design poster
Design Concept Selection and Develop
SWOT Analysis:
- Can be used for various of things
- Interesting to design on
- No experiences
- Not sure what specific use it can be, could ISB need it?
- drawing might the only way to do visualized modeling? Too complicate in 3D?
- Combines designing a list of other things such as clothes, hair styles, etc
- Have many possibilities it can be designed in
- Interesting to design on
- Have many referrences
- I’m not really familiar with tarot cards
- Not sure what specific use it can be
- I can’t design a whole set
- Learning include symbols of objects to a card design
- No enough time?
Design Brief:
Tarot cards
Design problem: | There’s a need for a good-looking, or creative set of Tarot cards to improve people’s interest on buying, learning, or for collection of tarot cards. |
User/audience | Teenagers/students who are interested in this area of tarot cards or for entertainment, or experienced Tarot player who might want better another creative collection of cards. |
Purpose | To make a well-designed and appealing Tarot card set for using or collection. |
Constraints | Should it be printed or how many are going to need? Is it better than original set? Do I have time for more than ten cards? |
Goals | Make creative cards that indicate the purpose of each card, that someone might want to collect it, or it’s just too bad to look at. |
Materials/resources | Hard paper cards, painting materials, maybe printer/ Or draw it on procreate |
Mentors, assistance | Design/art teachers, maybe Tarot experts or players |
Ques or supporting information | Is it better to draw it on paper? |
Response: Right, an entire deck of cards is probably too much, I want to try to design the 22 of the big cards. (Or is it still too much?) Therefore, the purpose will simpily be collection and spreading this, maybe only as collection. And other difficult obstacles might be why should this be made, and what audience might want.
Mind map:
I goes through exploring possibilities of designing the cards, and the amount (in number and richness) of designing the cards.
- Should I do detailed cards with large amount of elements and symbols, with many colors, or should I do cards with same design in most parts, but have different icons in the middle of cards representing the card? Or should I do both (on both sides?). In addition, what symbols should I include? Do I need to write definition for the cards on the back side?…
Padlet (Idea brainstorm and references):
3 most beneficial articles
- This article “The Tarot Guide Book [From Beginners to Professions] Get the new experience in fortune telling.” talks about the details of all cards and their meanings, also about how to read cards
- This article “How To Target Facebook Ads To “Tarot”, explores many datas of the targeted audiences in Tarot cards.
- This article “Tarot Card Meanings” is a popular tarot website, with large amount of informations of tarot card and its meanings.
Video: Meaning of all Tarot cards
She goes through all meaning of 78 tarot cards, and the symbols on them.
Video: How To Make A Tarot Deck In 5 Steps!
She provided a really nice instructions for me to start designing Tarot cards, and what are some great tools I can use.
What are Tarot cards?
The tarot is a pack of playing cards, used from at least the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe to play games such as Italian tarocchini, French tarot and Austrian Königrufen, many of which are still played today. Tarot card reading is a form of cartomancy whereby practitioners use tarot cards purportedly to gain insight into the past, present or future. They formulate a question, then draw cards to interpret them for this end.
Targeted Audience
According from:
Interest | Audience | Gender ratio of the audience | Major Age |
Tarot | 78,384,450 | Men accounted for30.6% Women accounted for69.4% |
25-34 29.08% |
Age: The majority of people interested in “Tarot” between 25-34, and they accounted for 29.08%. And other age groups like 35-44 accounted for 21.71%. The people interested in “Tarot” between 18-24 accounted for 17.59%.
- Job title: From the job title of the audience, we can analyze that the people interested in “Tarot” who work on Administrative Services have the largest audience account for 25.4%. Besides this, people work on Sales and Management also have many audience.
- Country/Region: People in Mexico have the highest passion for “Tarot”. And United States and Brazil also have large numbers of people interested in “Tarot”.
- Relationship Status: The majority of people interested in “Tarot” are in a relationship of Single
- Educations: The majority of people have a College degree.
Success criteria:
- Express or shows the meanings of each cards through enough symbols or colors used
- Can be clearly recognized which card is it
- Pleasing colour scheme
- understanding of the requirements
- Enough availability, even though the number of cards are not enough, but at least the design makes it can be truly used.
- Compliance with the requirements of the submission process
What can inspire you from nature, art or other types of design?
I was highly inspired by the flower and plants elements in some of the card design, and the characters in the cards. For instance, as the fool in “The fool” card, he holds a rose and has a dog aside him. These are all symbols of different meanings, together they made this card full of explanations and designs. I was also inspired from sketching feeling in some of others design, the lines were used really well, and even with only one or two colors. I think including balance and symmetric in the card design.
The design problem:
Tarot cards are an interesting and deep knowledge, but only a few really knows what are the meanings behind them. There’s a need for a good-looking and creative set of Tarot cards to improve people’s interest on buying, learning, or for collect tarot cards. |
Materials, tools, techniques:
I chose to use procreate as the material to design the cards and finish my poster design. Because I want to show a sketching feeling at the same time I need more accuse to textures and colors.
Concepts sketching:
Three cards selected:
- The Star
- The Fool
- The World
Thoughts: I like how shapes such as circle and square was placed together, different character and objects placed in different perspective, and in different distance, created the a feeling of space. And for every card, there’s numerous symbol that represents the meaning of the card, the task I’m now doing is to figure out what is the best version to place them around. And which expresses more emotion and information at the same time.
- You did well on improving the different kinds of ideas you made, and the variety is nice
- The ideas are nice, and I see many elements contains in them
- I saw many different ideas, how much exactly are you going for?
- They are really detailed, how do you show their meanings only though draws?
While I design them, I think about how to connect all cards together, I think having a same element in the card, and have same composition.
So I chose this metallic sun to retained in every card, it’s the main thing that connects all the cards. It is very obvious but will not affect the look and feel of each card:
And its a common element in tarot cards too.
In order to make the composition more spatial and regular, I use the same few lines to separate space and make the drawing more appealing
So basically if you closely, the space is all separated with these lines, its connection of circle and a line separating in middle, it makes the drawing looks more appealing and also feels like having more space.
…Than I got three cards designed:
- The Fool tarot card is a sign of unlimited and endless potential. He’s a fool because he’s a clean slate, and therefore, can become anything.
- The meaning of the World card is fulfillment, achievement, and completion. This shows that all the efforts that you have been putting in place are starting to pay off.
- The Star represents new hopes and splendid revelations of the future, you will find yourself feeling very positive, motivated and free
- TheFool: When you think of fool, its defiantly not someone normal, they might be silly or dumb in your imagination. But in Tarot cards, its different. The Fool is card zero, the start of all cards. He’s a fool because he’s a clean slate, and therefore, can become anything, so he’s a representation of pure and unlimited.
Heres example from the most well used tarot card designs:
On The Fool Tarot card, a young man stands on the edge of a cliff, without a care in the world, as he sets out on a new adventure. He is gazing upwards toward the sky (and the Universe) and is seemingly unaware that he is about to skip off a precipice into the unknown.
I kept the young man who is looking up, how he holds a flower in one of his hands, how he is up in the cliff, with freedom. But I didn’t show his legs, because I want to give the feeling of unknown of future steps
I changed the outfit of the man to more like a magician, showing his hidden abilities, and I added birds around him to symbol the freedom and shows he’s really high in the sky, and he’s free with the wind
Color choice: cream-coloured, with gray red, romantic and free
- The World: Being the last card in the set, it seems like the world is something that sums up every thing. But in this case we are not drawing a universe of earth, we still use a figure to represent
Heres example from the most well used tarot card designs:
The dancing figure on the card has one leg crossed over the other and holds a wand in either hand. She symbolizes balance and evolution in movement. The fulfillment and unity that she represents is not one that is static, but ever-changing, dynamic and eternal.
I kept the green wreath of flowers that surrounds the central figure, which is a symbol of success. I also kept the blue background because it shows infinity.
But I didn’t put the whole figure in the design, with her head too high out of the card, and I put her dress almost covering the whole card from top to end, showing the full-fill and completion. The reason I didn’t show her face is because she’s more like a god that has controls in all things, so I want her to stay mystery, different from other figures
Color choice: Gray and blue, with matcha green, deep and high?
- The Star: As you know, we always use shooting stars for wishes, similar to this idea, stars in Tarots represents new hopes and splendid revelations of the future, insight, inspiration, courage and enlightenment of the spiritual self.
Heres example from the most well used tarot card designs:
The Star card shows a woman kneeling at the edge of a small pond. She is holding two containers of water. One container pours the water out to the dry land, as if to to nourish it and ensure its fertility. Behind her, there is a large central star surrounded by seven small stars which represent the chakras.
Different from other two, I almost changed everything in this card. But I kept the 7 small stars and the big star. You might be wondering why you only see 6 small stars, the star boy’s holding is actually the 7th, the boy himself is the big star. they are surrounded with waves like silk, this comes from the water in original card.
Color choice: Gray and purple, with light yellow, mysterious and lightning
I used low saturation and grayish colors, which are harmonious and have a sense of age and mystery
The overall lines are not too prominent, just separate different spaces, which will make the picture softer
Feedback: My friend’s feedback was that it has a nice color, but the lines were kind of messy, and she consider me to also add something that shows what card it is, and it’s kind of too grayish to look at.
Therefore I added a little more details, brighter color, and a back side of cards, it shows the card number and card name:
Cards under different situation:
I changed the background, colors of the cards and direction of cards. (I found out the green ones are actually quite cool)
Reflect on the design process and final design
(Explain the strengths/enjoys and weaknesses/difficulties of the product)
I think I did my best on designing the different elements on cards, and there’s all meanings behind them. I tried about compositions and possibilities if space in only a small rectangular for the first time. And I learned a lot about how figures can express feelings just from how they are placed. Overall, the best part is I think I really enjoyed this designing process, I really feels time pass fast while I researching and drawing these cards.
However, there are a lot of weaknesses I have, I think I can push myself more in designing more detailed cards, and I only did 3 of them. I also could try more on presenting these cards, but due to lack of time I haven’t. And I wish I can make a 3D model next time, or even make a real card set, that will probably really interesting.
And during designing I have lot of difficulties: I never really learned what tarot cards really is, this is the first time I get to know so much about them. And I struggled a long time about how should I start, because I don’t know the amount of time a card will take, so I don’t know number I should draw. And I also lost my first draft of drawing :C. However, its still enjoying as I ry to solve those problems along the way.
Looking back at my success criteria, I feel like I didn’t achieve all of them, I guess I did show features of cards clearly, but I don’t think I actually shows their meanings to audiences just from looking, and they are not the most appealing cards that I can think of, but I did developed my drawing, designing and organization ideas skills during this process.
Next time I wish I can focus more a specific symbolization of an object, and more sketching drawing style using less amount of color but shows more appealing feelings.
Thank you!
Wearable Desgin
Presentation Poster:
“Wearable technology is a category of devices that can be worn as accessories, embedded in clothing, implanted in the user’s body, or even tattooed on the skin.”—– Adams Hayes
Common examples of wearable technology include: Smart jewelry, such as rings, wristbands, watches and pins.
Padlet for inspirations:
- Inspirational examples of wearable design
- Different problems or issues that could be addressed with wearable design
- Totally random inspiration from nature, art, design, music, food, the world
From the list of problems that people might need to overcame, I chose unfocused as mine main topic
I found some interviews and essays based on people’s issues of focusing and staying on task. In conclusion, unfocus could be caused by 1. no enough energy, 2. too much emotional state 3. no engagement or interest, 4. bad structure of time using, 5. no control
And some solutions/helps are: 1. Find your overarching and guiding focus, 2. focus music, 3. Schedule focus time, 4. Have clarity, 5. better environment
When come to words as “focus” and “think”, they usually remind us about brain and something with head, thus I chose bucket hat as the initial model.
In addition, study shows focus music can make it easier for you to stay on task by activates both the left and right regions of the brain. Thus I decide to combine the hat with earphones.
Inspirations and sketching:
This websites introduces “Six Thinking Hats”, which is the proven technique from Edward de Bono,. Basically, there are six different colored hats that can be put on or taken off to indicate a mode or strand of thinking.
Inspired by the six thinking hats, I decided to add a mode converter for three states of “focus” to my design. Because thinking can be in a really difficult and wide range sometimes, it’s really hard to put “focus” only on one mode, cause as human we use to have different kind of “focus” that we need.
And this inspiration, Elon Musk: brain chip implant, supports the idea of brain controlling
I did some sketching of the hat and what it might look like. However, instead of using a big earphone following the picture, I changed it to smaller wired headsets because they are more convenient/light and gives the customers a choice wether they want to put on or not.
Selection: I did have difficulties on choosing the best design, but then I try to combine the best part of every different designs, and kind of got what I have now.
Basically, I decided what it would look like and how this hat works, than I gathered some feedback/comments and made some changes:
- How does it specifically make sense?
- I then searched up about brain and found its probably going to impede disturbing things from the part called “thinking system”
- How do people know which state of focus they want to be in?
- I then decide to give examples of smaller parts of each big section, and I also decide to add the “General Section”
- Try simplifying it
- I eliminates some bulky designs and design of the interior part of hat
- Why won’t people separate earphone and hat?
- Its not just about convenient, the earphone part is also connected with detecting brain system of hat, because there’s a part of brain close to ear that can easily sensor the brain. I simplifies the earphone, so that it feels like a part of hat
- How can it shows the feeling of what is it by its appearance?
- I decide to draw some lines and shapes on the hat that just makes it feel high technology, or something different than normal hat on appearance.
Growth in technical and design skills:
I experienced a lot in this design process, from understanding and gathering the idea of “wearable”, finding problems/issues that people might want to solve from developing products, and to how to design, measure, make, and display my wearable product. I not only learned how to show something by appearance (maybe), I also noticed how products can improve peoples life in many many ways, and a small changing on a design can lead to various results. It’s a hard process of finding solutions for issues, and actually know how we can help people “focus” and what is “disturbing thoughts”. But I think I overcame them well at last.
Process/model pictures:
Design Display
We live in a culture of constant distraction where our ability to stay focused is continuously compromised by the idea of the next best thing. Attention-pull is happening all around you all the time and interfering with your ability to stay focused (and therefore accomplish your personal and professional goals). Additionally, there’s people with with ADHD, which stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, who suffers focus problems even more.
Focus is a mental state when we pay attention to a single task and ignore outside distractions. And this bucket hat I designed named “Mind Focuser” can successfully help you focus.
It helps you develop a system of focused work (ie., it helps get your priorities in order), eliminate possible outer distractions, eliminate unimportant things, and help your thoughts became clear and effective
This hat was designed to have 3 different modes/states you can choose from, they were the three main types of “focus” I figured out, and they can be separated into many other small types.
The three states modes:
- Sky blue (#95c8d8) : PROCESS:
About work process, planning, informing/data/numbers
- Tangenne yellow (#CF9812A) : FEELING:
Solving problems, finding benefits, negatives, changes
- Olive green (#708238) : CREATIVITY:
Creativities, possibilities, imagination, designing, gathering ideas
You can freely change between the three state any time, and if sometimes you don’t feel like really specific, or you are working on something general, there’s the Normal state (White).
The intended customers would be: People struggle with focusing, people having thinking issues, people doesn’t have a really nice study environment, people who want to increase of efficiency on their work. Since it’s more about working/ staying, thus, the main part of customers would be: Students, designers, and people with ADHD, which stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
why is this design successful?
There’s large number of details I added to this design, and each of them serves different function for better focusing. So it can be called as something not only about imagination, but also a combination of many tips/solutions modern people have to fight unfocus.
What did you do well in this project?
I personally like the part of having three different section of “focus” that people can choose from, because it not only make the whole design more convenient for costumers, it also helps develop my understanding of focus and working. And I did managed to make a model that not perfect, but fine to look at, since modeling is kind of a hard part for me
What would you improve/do differently next time and why?
I will design something more as a whole, this design did combine man great ideas, but I feel like it should have something that’s all similar, or serve for same function. And the design of appearance wasn’t really good, its not that outstanding either.
Pavillion project
: >
To begin with, the word pavilion can have several meanings, it can be a flexible architectural open space that invites people to come in and spend time in it, a light roofed structure used as a shelter in a public place, or other decorative buildings. A pavilion might be used as a shelter, seating, meeting point, cafe, theatre, or for events, relaxation, work and much much more.
During this unite, we are expected to follow a design process to inquire, ideate, develop, refine and present our original pavilion concept. This includes making a model and presentation poster.
Heres a padlet of pavilion example and inspiration made by classmates, covering large range of designs:
I’m highly inspired by one called “Round” which provided a ring kind of structure that can be sat or relax on, and the one titled Re-Emerge that addresses the issue of limited material resources. I think it might be a good idea to connect my design with circles and relaxing condition.
I also made a few sketches copying some of the great examples online, so that I can understand more how structure and design works in good pavilions.
I start focusing on the following topics as design ideas:
- Ocean waves and sunlight
- circle structures
- calming, relaxing
The reason I want to use waves as the main topic is not only because I think they look good, it’s also decided because research shows that the shape of waves curving tends to make people relax, and inspire more imagination.
“According to research conducted in the USA entitled “Do Curves matter?”, 80% of subjects actively liked curves in images of landscapes. Sweeping curves in particular are often used to entice and draw people in, exploiting the natural tendency for the eye to follow around, beyond and to the conclusion of a curve. ”
Rough sketches of ideas ↓
I made some random drawings about connecting and grouping different shapes together, such as imagining a rectangular building being cut apart or slices are connected by strings. the small human figures are for examine the size of these designs.
I tried exploring how buildings can relate to circles and rings, and I wish to add more meanings or symbols into these pavilions, therefore I created a small architecture integrated with a big tree, a building inspired by balance scale, and a pavilion with ripple of waves with shape of seabird. However, I haven’t found one that I want to finish as final project at this point.
These are the two sketches I think is closest with my final piece, they are both inspired by waves and rings. But I feel like the curved strips looks not good enough and are useless at this point, so I fixed them a little and result in my final piece:
Heres my final design sketch:
I placed four “waves” surrounding the glass circle kiosk, students can choose to sit in the bench inside the kiosk or sitting on any “waves”.
Wave-form and serpentine shapes are a great choice for external seating, often employed in many aspect situations where sitters can choose which way to view their surroundings.
This pavillion can be placed at the back of the theater, where there’s lawns and trees around, there’s also football field at its side, it’s a great place for observation or resting after a game at the field, or walking out the school buildings.
Final Poster:
My design of this pvillion focus on helping students and people who might come to school getting a bit of relax and resting under sunshine. Inspired by undulating waves glistening under the sun, the four curved strips (waves) wrapped around a glass pavilion that refract colored lights around. It’s a suitable spot to unwind after school, you can sit on the round bench inside or leaning against the “waves”, and enjoy the moment with friends or by yourself under the soft sunshine after a long and tiring day of exams and studying.
I received feedbacks from classmates and teachers during my process, such as:
- maybe add some place for sitting and walk through
- maybe add roof to block sun and rains
- these structure may looks a bit dangerous or too steep
- Try making it a viewing platform
I really appreciate all the useful and cool ideas, they helps a lot for me adding details and making corrections, unfortunately, because lack of time, I didn’t modify all of them into my final piece. If I’d have a next time, I really like to convert more ideas from the feedbacks.
Reading reflection #3
I have completed the book “The crossing places” written by Elly Griffiths, which is a well-written mystery novel and marks the beginning of a new crime series. It contains a captivating plot and story, with large amount of great description sentences, beneath the mystery plot, the book delves into emotional, professional, personal issues, and the final plot twist at the end made it even better. I’ve finished reading the book, “The Diary of a Young Girl”, which is also known as Anne Frank’s diary, I decided to read because of its appearance during Asia and the world class, this diary tells the story of Annes and her friends family have to go into hiding because they are Jews during the second world war. At the end, Anne’s father, Otto Frank, was the family’s only survivor. The riveting part is its descriptions of grubby particulars of life and emotion changes of teenagers, the fact it tells is excruciating and thoughtful. Im now in begining of reading classic piece “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, it tells the magical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure as extravagant as any ever found. I read Santiago has a recurring dream about a child who tells him that he will find a treasure if he travels to the Egyptian pyramids. The old lady tells him to follow its instructions, however, Santiago is uncertain since he enjoys the life of a shepherd. In my perspective, I think Santiago is going to start traveling to Egypt. It’s like a seed that has been quietly buried in the bottom of his heart, if the ground is pressed against the tissue, the seed will still cause bursts of itching, so he needs to follow the instructions to let the seed grow out. I’m looking forward to his next adventure and choice, as well as how the plot will tie in with the “alchemist”. I haven’t decided my final book for personal book essay, I think “The Alchemist” will be a possible choice, but I haven’t deep into it yet, and it’s a small book with not too much pages. I’m also deciding to read “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee for my next book, it might also be a possible choice.
Socratic Seminar Reflection
- What did I do well in the formative Socratic seminar?
I think I improved on building on other’s ideas and using text evidence with my own understanding because I got meeting in understanding and effects rubric. Also, I contributed with general text reference, with connection and with opinions based on the feedback from classmate.
- What do I still need to work on?
I still need improvements on expressing my idea more coherency with full sentences, more academic and fluent vocabularies, and make less noticeable errors in languages. In addition, instead of keep adding on other’s point, I should work raise out my own idea.
- What goals do I have for next time?
I’d like to prepare more questions and point that can start or continue a conversation, and provide more detailed commentary.
- What steps will I take to achieve these goals?
I will start taking more notes on the story and carefully analyze important sentences, I need to search for more useable and academic sentence starters to help structure my discussion skills.
2 Buckets Challenge
Padlet – problems faced examples
Graphing fast ideas + Brands
3 favorites
- Concept 1
- Concept 2
- Concept 3
Final decision: flexible-wave lamp
I have been reading the mystery novel The Crossing Places written by Elly Griffiths. In the story, the protagonist Dr. Ruth got involved in the case of two missing girls. Ruth finds one of the girl’s bones in the salt marsh about the middle of the book, but the other one remains unknown. Following Ruth realizing more about what means in the mystery letters got sent to the police, she notices Danie, whom she once loved, has the same handwriting as the ones on the letter. At the beginning of every chapter, Griffiths wrote a few paragraphs in the first-person perspective of a girl locked in a room; this has been an essential piece of a clue for the readers, I’ve been guessing where she might be, who is the one that locked her, and this became the motive power to keep me on reading. Because now I am almost at the end of the story, I think I have an idea of the actual murderer.
Ice cream van logo
Logo design
Client name: Whitby Morrison
My logo design:
Background: Whitby Morrison, British engineering company based in Crewe, Cheshire East. It has been described as “the world’s leading ice cream van manufacturer“. Whitby Morrison converts production vans into ice cream vans for the mobile soft ice cream industry.
Audience: Whitby Morrison operates in over 60 countries, locations as diverse as the Middle East, Australia, Eastern Europe, North Africa and the US.
Typically, Whitby Morrison’s audience is interested in:
- Sweets
- Outdoor lifestyle
- Fresh food
- interesting life style
Context: Whitby Morrison require a logo for wallpaper on cars, web pages, caravan signage, aprons, and menu.
Keywords: Sweet, fantasy, fresh
Padlet: precedents
Original logo of Whitby Morrison:
Rough ideas:
Then, I selected the main shapes I want to use (three circles)
After I looked at my inspiration, I found 3 circles can be a good representation of ice cream ⇑
Design process
I tried my first piece of design by combing van and ice cream together:
At this point, I found this design doesn’t feels like a logo
I received feedbacks from the teacher and classmates, they can be listed as few points lower:
- The shape of a car isn’t really success, may need improvements
- Try to add a cone to the van or combine them better
- do not use color at first
- I can try some more simple and easy shape and lines at first.
So I started with Mr. Griffin to make more graphing of simple shapes, and combine of van and ice cream, and I did found some cool ideas for my logo
I realized simple shapes will be better,
so I started to make more ideas from these shapes
I decided to let the three circles remain the same, and make it more simple, also in black and white.
This is what I got first, the triangle on top is the cone, and “Whitby Morrison” has been simplified to “WM”⇒
I felt like this is much better than what I’ve got before, but it’s too simple, and the shape isn’t attractive.
So, with these questions, I step on the 2nd turn of feedbacks
here is the list of what I’ve received
- The idea of ice cream is good, however, the cone is on the right top of the logo, kind of makes like it fells on the ground, so try to change a place
- The type isn’t really good, and maybe the full name of the company works better
- The three circles are good, but maybe make it a little more complicate?
- Try move the circles in different spots
- Maybe you can add a chocolate bar, or some cookies to where the cone is
- Try different typefaces?
Then I changes my design to many different versions:
To begin with, I transformed the cone into crunchy chocolate biscuit (2 triangles), which also serves as a symbol that represents ice cream, and make the design more dexterous and lively.
Then I decided to make the circle’s inside lines visible, which makes it appear not that simple, and it can be a representation of how they are linked together and share diverse flavors and ideas, much like people all over the world do with the help of an ice cream van.
Even though “W” and “M” are great letters to design on, but I believe that because my logo isn’t too intricate, so I should use the company’s complete name of to make it looks more like a cohesive group.
Finally, from all these ideas, my final choice is this one:
Logo In different ways
On a range of mock-ups:
backgrounds/posters :
comparing to the panda project I did at the beginning of the course, this logo contains more ideas and creates a better effect using less elements. It didn’t use a range of colors, but it still successfully communicates it meaning of “ice cream” and “combination”. At this point, I think I developed much in the section of unit.
The key words of this project is “sweet, convenient and fresh”.
The symbol of the two triangles (chocolate biscuit) represents sweetness (excellent taste, food), and it employs a milk-brown color to make it look pleasant while keeping the logo from being overly vibrant.
Convenient (connect people, movable van) is shown in circles, circle being a more freed and easy to combine shape.
The pure color of black and white will make people feel fresh and new, while the three circles form the shape of an ice cream.
I haven’t put much emphasis on “van” because the main goal is to attract customers who are interested in “ice cream.” As a result, I focused on ice cream and circles.
For next product, or further attempts, I will focus more on make a whole thing more detailed and meaningful, and better in visual effect.
Lyrics & Type
My Final Lyrics & Type Design:
My Padlet:
(inspirational examples with written notes)
- Song selection
I chosed four songs at first,
1. I Hate U, I Love U (Consoul Trainin)
2. Mermaid (SKOTT)
3. Summer Vibe (Walk Off the Earth)
4. Young and beautiful (Lana Del Rey)
These are all songs that focus and have a strong feeling on emotions, after a hard thinking, I chose Mermaid .
The whole song is not too slow or fast, and it gives a feeling like with love and hazy, falls into the ocean with your beloved, it’s affectionate, and resolved.
The sentence I selected at last is:
“Like Ocean dance with storm, I will dance with you.”
The reason I chose this is because not only it contains variaty things that can be really interesting to be combined in words, it also shows a whole, and attracting story just in 10 words. It contains love, nature, emotion and action, the personification of ocean, storm and dancing make me feels like there is madness and romance hidden under quiet and elegance, hidden under the calm waves. So I start drawing some fast drafts:
These are a part of my draft, many others I did on papers. I tried out different kind of fonts and techniques, also try to give different feelings to my work.
Last, I chose this out of these drafts: Untitled_Artwork 7
I like the combine of words and the circle, and how are they seems placed at will. And it isn’t that complicated, the way lines and shapes balanced quite good.
But only is circle isn’t enough, I didn’t even conclude all words, and I want it to look more full of imaginary and have a sense of a story. I decided to put more shapes and lines, and give it a structure so it really can be balanced well.
And this is what I got:
It’s very scrawly, but it already has a general shape and design, the next thing I did was to choose color and more decorations:
I tried out few color, but the top right one makes me feels the best, because it has a feeling of ocean and sky, not too bright nor dark, and makes me feels calm.
Here’s an interesting thing I choose: I don’t want it to be passionate, energetic, seems like words are gonna come out the screen. I want my design is more calm and half-conscious, because that’s what the song’s melody make me feels. But it also needs a bit of romantic darkness, let the whole atmosphere not be cheerful or optimistic, but to be calm, heavy.
And then, I start to specify the details (Sorrrryyyy I didn’t fiinnnnd picture of this version)
So I then gathered many comments from my class mates and teacher, here are some examples:
- The font is a little strange, needs improvements, you can refer to the Internet.
- Some small decorations can be appropriately reduced to make the design more harmonious
- The circle can be added with some design
So I changed my fancy decorations and fonts, after thinking, and I thought the font can be kept just like hand drawing letters.
At this point, I have a similar work as the final already, and now, I wish I can add some hidden meanings in the painting. For example, I added an arrow through the font to express meaning like firm and love.
Then compared with the blue sea water, I used black and chose white as the last two words “with u”. (The shape of seagulls is also a bit like hearts.)
At the same time, I use different fonts to focus on storm, and the gradient of the background from deep to light represents both clouds and waves
So now, my work has fully done.
I hope people who see this design can feel the deep love, calm waves, and a trace of haziness and dream.
Thank you!
: D
Reading Reflection #1
The Crossing Places is a mystery novel written by Elly Griffiths. In the story, the protagonist Dr. Ruth, a woman who is very interesting in old bones, investigates a child’s bones found on a nearby beach and finds them belongs to Iron Age. And following a detective coming up to her, she notices these bones are somehow connected to a case of a little girl who went missing ten years before. The story is attractive and in a tense atmosphere the whole time, leading readers to want to know more and more about this mysterious case. The protagonist Ruth was written as a who is used to loneliness but still attracted to the happiness of being with other people, and she does not care about their outer look. Also, she keeps a heart of brave and strong. I like and appreciate how she was living and being herself, and the feeling that she was feeling truely touches me every time. I am kind of confused about some places of the protagonist’s interpersonal relationship, but I think that’s also one of the interesting parts of the story.