Socratic Seminar Reflection

  • What did I do well in the formative Socratic seminar?

I think I improved on building on other’s ideas and using text evidence with my own understanding because I got meeting in understanding and effects rubric. Also, I contributed with general text reference, with connection and with opinions based on the feedback from classmate.

  • What do I still need to work on?

I still need improvements on expressing my idea more coherency with full sentences, more academic and fluent vocabularies, and make less noticeable errors in languages. In addition,  instead of keep adding on other’s point, I should work raise out my own idea.

  • What goals do I have for next time?

I’d like to prepare more questions and point that can start or continue a conversation, and provide more detailed commentary.

  • What steps will I take to achieve these goals?

I will start taking more notes on the story and carefully analyze important sentences, I need to search for more useable and academic sentence starters to help structure my discussion skills.

About Joy

ISB blog

10. February 2022 by Joy
Categories: English | Leave a comment

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