Personal Poster

(I will separate process and these at two different blogs, because for some reason I cant upload them all)


My poster:


  1. Padlet pictures and influence

here are some pictures I chose to influence my design.

I got the main color I used for my design from looking at these pictures, orange, red and pink, the color like sunset, because I think it represents romantic and tender, and can  set off an atmosphere for the poster. I really like clouds and skies in the examples, so I decided to draw the background of evening sky. Then I want to add some colorful and good design in the poster, so I drew balloons with different color, it adds story to this painting. 

For example of how they influence me, in picture3, the”Lamplight” one, I really like how the designer combine different colors, purple and green gives a feeling of mystery and also adds red to create a good feeling. So because I want a tender feeling so I add pink and other warm color, and I also add blue to make character out from other colors.


2. Feedback by friends and correction

here is my how my poster look at before feedback:

And then I gathered how some other students think about the poster, I can change my words on the poster better by changing the typeface I used for my name, it doesn’t look that fit, so I changed to something that looks more free and better match my scribbled picture.  Then I should put some words that connected to the questions because these separate words can’t really represent that much, so I changed them too. At last I deleted the white flower, it looks nice, but doesn’t match my poster.


About Joy

ISB blog

04. October 2021 by Joy
Categories: Graphic design | Leave a comment

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