This is my invention for Reagan’s chicken nugget problem that she has to deal with. Reagan’s problem was that her chicken nugget get soggy and cold while she’s eating them. So the whole for the bottom drains the oil down to the plate. Underneath the plate there’s a plate that i attached to the bottom on the plate so it’ll hold the oil in. On top of the plate there is an rectangular cardboard box for the heater. This prevents the chicken nuggets to get cold. The heat comes out of there and to turn it on it’s simply on the side. I’m pretty happy the way it turned out with the very less supplies that i have. I’m very proud that i was able to poke the holes not too big. My challenge was definitely not having hot glue gun. If i was in Beijing i would be able to hot glue gun this at my house or at school. Since i don’t have that i have to use duck tape. Unfortunately duck tape is not strong enough for holding the cardboard straight up by it’s self. For the future students in grade 6 or below I believe that they should have the hard and best supplies in your house ready. But for us we are unlucky because of where some people are. Not all of us are in Beijing. Overall I think this i pretty successful because of how similar it looks to my planning!
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