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The title of my artwork is “Labeled.” In society, women face criticisms as labels and comments are thrown into their lives, which causes many of us to feel uncomfortable, depressed, and gradually lose confidence in ourselves. Attacking or sensitive phrases such as  “You’re so ugly”, “You’re so fat”, You’re so weird” can really hurt someone’s feelings, ruin their self-love, and raise their level of self-consciousness. Through this piece of artwork, my intent is to spread the message of allowing women to live as they wish.

Set 3: I am?


For my set 3, it’s called ‘confusion.’ As you can see in each picture I made the lighting lowkey to show darkness when you are lost and/or confused with your own identity. I was inspired by how the artist presents this topic so I decided to copy the words ‘I am?’ since it can deliver a strong message with just these words. Instead of fully copying the unknown artist’s idea I split the pictures into three to let my model show depression.

Set 2: Identity

This is my completed set 2 for the identity unit. Since this was an edit of set 1, the name is still the same- ‘labeled.’ Although this isn’t the perfect add on to set 1 since each picture all have different levels of exposure which makes it look very unbalanced, this is what I was able to add on with the only having one class at the studio. Overall I am pretty proud of my finished set of ‘labeled’ because it represents the main point of women being stereotyped.

Set 3 Analysis

*Since my set 1, and 2 are the same idea I am only going to be writing 2 artist analysis. The artist is unknown.*

This photography is called “Recovering from Loss of Identity” and I chose this to be my inspiration because I think the emotion of loss was very well shown by just one picture so I would like to try and take ideas from this picture to show confusion. From what I see, this photographer uses black and white to show desolation.

For set 3, I am going to present the loss or confusion of identity within yourself.  This piece’s owner is unknown but it was posted on Pinterest. Although the photographer is unknown, just from a quick glance I knew that I can take this idea and split this into three different pictures. Meaning from the left the first picture will be ‘I’ with a different pose, the second picture saying ‘am’, and so on. The set will be presented horizontally as it would make a sentence that way. It may seem like I am completely taking this photographer’s idea but I will try to make my model(s) do different poses to show confusion and darkness.

Identity: Set 1

This is called “labeled.” These pictures represent when girls are labeled into categories. Since I didn’t have much time in the photobooth I had to rush the picture taken on the left, which is why the lighting is too dark that we can’t really see the words very well. On the other hand the focus for the picture on the right is very good but, if i would to retake that I would consider making the font smaller so more words fit in. With this, my viewers would have a better understanding on my project. Another thing I didn’t get to do was another picture to make this is a full set. I wanted to do another model with the same concept and different words but just with either a blue or purple lighting to show pain like the red and black.

Artist Reflection: Nick Gentry





Nick James Gentry is a British artist from London who uses artifacts and materials to create his artwork. For his artwork, he was influenced by the development of consumerism, technology, identity, and cyberculture in society, with a distinctive focus on obsolete media. A point that I found out is that he tries to avoid identifying age, gender, and race. This is because he said that his portraits are ‘like a void to be filled’ which enables people to bring their own identity. I believe that he does this because Gentry doesn’t want that person to have a specific viewpoint. In other words, he wants his viewers to have their own opinion and imagination about his creations. After looking at his artworks of identity I think that he could inspire my project because he puts images, words onto people’s faces which is quite similar to my project on stereotypes and labels. When I found out that he doesn’t want his viewers to see his models in a specific way it’s very similar to my idea because in this society the way we look and/or act, people tend to see them in that distinct way.


Out of the four pictures I chose I like pieces 1 and 2 because you can’t exactly tell their race unlike pieces 3 and 4 I could somewhat predict their race. I especially like piece number 1 because the color gives more of a vintage vibe and I like how realistic the eyes look. While 3 and 4 looks very creepy to me.

Identity Project

The title of this project is “labeled.” The social issue I want to explore with my photographs is many people are called/labeled words that some people don’t realize how harmful it could be in the long run. I want my audience to feel empowered to help this ongoing issue. I will get inspiration and develop my ideas by looking for photographs that have a similar genre. Instead of sticking or writing words on, I will project words and have 3 or 4 different pictures with different colors like red, grey/black, white, and blue.

What is a Portrait?

In photography portrait or portraiture, is a type of photography that captures the feeling, personality, of a person or group to show and tell something from a picture. Portraits include the effects of lighting, backdrops, color, and/or poses. From my perspective, I believe selfies are included in the category of portraits because selfies can show what you’re doing and how you feel. Smiling can show the person being happy in their adventure, whereas a gloomy sky with an blank expression can show emptiness or maybe even sadness. As a photographer or sometimes a viewer, I believe that in portraits there should be something the photographer particularly focuses on.  For example, many portraits focus on eyes that are centered in the middle which makes the picture unique because wherever you are the eyes follow you. Other than that I believe that depending on how you like the picture it can be whatever you think makes it a good portrait. A good portrait also depends on the photographers’ opinion.

Triptych Inspired by Hiroshi Sugimoto Seascapes


triptych evaluation

Uta Barth ‘red’ images

Uta Barth red images

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