Winner Takes All


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The crowd, consisting of both men and women, guns and spears, and the French flag, was storming into a building named the Bastille in Paris. Pierre Hulin Stanislas, the leader of the crowd, was directing the peasants to attack all sides. The guards tried to guard it, but their heads all moved from their necks onto the pikes. The crowd successfully took over the whole building. The king and his family tried to flee to Varennes, but they were soon recognized and captured back into Paris.

This is the French Revolution,  a Revolution caused by heavy taxes, the king & queen’s unfair rule, lavish lives, and fancy parties while the peasants were starving and breaking their backs in the field, and the first and second estates, who did not need to pay any tax. Worst of all, they can not speak their minds, nor can they vote.  They were so enraged that they woke up and protested, sent the royals, nobles, and clergy to the guillotine, and had them executed. Now they are free! What will they do now? Who will make all the decisions? One man named Napoleon Bonaparte comes up the stage just in time.

5 thoughts on “Winner Takes All

  1. A interesting difference between the French Revolution and Chinese Cultural Revolution is that during the French Revolution, it was the people that directed the revolution while the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was started by the leader of the country himself.

  2. While our revolutions are similar when it comes to one, the fact that they both had a period of more or less enlightenment, where old ideas were questioned and new ones were introduced, and two, the fact that they were both revolutions lead by the lower class, they are still different in that the French Revolution was partly against the government, and the Chinese Cultural Revolution was mostly against the aspects of the country itself, such as the old ideas or culture.

  3. The French revolution was related to the American revolution by Great Britain. In the American Revolution, the French helped the American colonies defeat Britain. Poor People in French were also taxed because the country was in bankruptcy. People also fight and put violence on the street because they don’t want taxes.

    It was interesting that people in the French question religions at the start of the revolution, while the American Revolution was fighting for the right of religion. Just to add on, the Americans have more historically handsome men than the Frenchs.

  4. Our revolutions are similar because in both revolutions the working class was getting tiered of the government treating them badly. They are different because in the Cuban revolution they took a less bloody approach and focused more on freeing themselves instead of making the the upper class and government suffer a bloody death.

  5. I find that the American Revolution and French Revolution are similar because Great Britain was more or less involved in the conflict. Both started with a problem of tax acts imposed on people because of their country’s financial problems, which led to the violent uproar from unsatisfied people.
    A difference between the two revolutionaries would be the aftermath. Even though both countries won their previous ruler, a king to an emperor didn’t seem to change a lot of France, while there were quite a lot of policies which have been altered and optimized.
    Btw, I agree with Alina that America has more historically handsome men than the French does (maybe you have prettier women) . ^^

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