This is my ceramic cup, that I customized to prevent heat loss. I am proud of my creation, as it only lost 3 Celsius in the last five minutes. I covered up the nooks and cranny’s to keep thermal energy within the cup. This cup is a powerful insulator. A flaw in my cup is its ugliness, and color tone. I would change the gray foam into a jet black felt/foam padding, to absorb radiation from its surroundings, . The hardest thing was the attachments. My cup contained so many layers, Combining each layer, overlapping, and too, covering all the holes that heat could leak through. My Conduction design is sort of like a recycling system. If any heat is released from its bounds, it is suctioned into a metal coating. When convection is working, my mechanism reflects thermal energy back into the cup, or rather, into my aluminum edges. The edges make the heat revolve around the cup, reentering it, and heats it up again. If radiation comes, the foam is warmed, and then transferred into the cup by the metal accessories. A major skill I learned in this unit is how to forge, how to create something that seems to be able to reach the shops.
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