Month: November 2019

The Little Prisoner

This is my prison, its cell holds a dangerous criminal, my phone. My greatest success was that my case was neat and simple, and included all the main phone access points. I could press the home button, charge the phone, look at the screen through a plastic sheet (Somewhat blurry), the audio plug is also exposed, and the magnets are tucked and not sticking out. If I ever did this again, I would replace the plastic sheet with a much clearer material, such as a thin piece of acrylic, or plastic folder parts. I would also make the box slimmer and perfectly fits the phone. The impact this product will leave is that I no longer need to go into such a fuss just getting my phone when I would regularly just stash it in my bag and would require a whole process of taking a bag out of the locker, trying to find my phone, and shoving the bag back into the locker, where, as I have this now, the process is easy and I can just pluck it out of a case with ease.


My Turtle bot would have been a real challenge to build in a round body structure, so I stuck to a block based turtle, which proved to be much easier. I also wish I never painted its head, because it makes the entire turtle seem so bland in color. I also figured that the Reattach able Belly of the turtle was always falling off, as the magnets on top were weak and could not hold the belly’s weight, so I swapped to Velcro, which in turn was a much better substitute.


Most people would have chosen a distance or ultrasonic sensor, but I wanted to convince the first graders to try and pet the turtle, as it is a robot petting zoo. It was also easy to make the code, when there were plenty of online tutorials. I installed Chromo Light Effects and moving Arms. I found It easier to install the claws onto the servo with popsicle sticks


I loved Building the Robot and seeing it come together and work, it felt nice that it could function and it functioned well and fulfilled its purpose to entertain 1st graders. I loved the coding as well, and it felt nice when I succeeded or learned something new.


My robot worked and it truly resembled a robot, and it was obvious to the first graders. The Robot also could move its claws via light sensor whenever the person would brush his hand over the shell where the sensor was located. It would also activate Chromo lights whenever someone brushed its head.  It all worked, and was fully painted and working.


The robot would work a lot better by letting all its main components accessible to the outside. I let the wire out, and so as the power pack, which was fit through a hole its size. It makes preparation easier, and making the hole is relatively easy.


Jake showed me a online tutorial of how to make a chromo light, which is now fixed to the turtle head.


I wish I next time I knew how to use a variety of sensors, when I only used one. I also wished I knew how to use other motors, because I feel like part of the turtle was incomplete.


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