Front elevation
bird’s eye view
View from an angle
Extra picture 1
Extra picture 2
My model is a representation of an inside world of a person who suffers from scoptophobia. I wanted to show the different components of the world; by exploring the different examples of my phobia, I found out all the things that the person might fear. The eyes are hanging in front of the backdrop, some are closer to the character as if they are going to pop out, and some are further but the character could still feel their attention. I create this effect in my model by using different layers, sizes, and colors for the eys. At the center of the backdrop, is a huge eye staring straightly at the character in the display case, as well as the audience. And in the middle of the eye, there is a reflection of the character. The character is curled, feeling uncomfortable and scared. I imagine my stage to be a proscenium, but with a slightly different shape of the stage. Flats are placed beside the legs of the stage to create a sense that the eyes are surrounding the character.
The inspiration for my model is taken from an imaginary museum, where objects are placed in display cases, and when I start thinking about the display cases, I really wonder how does it feel to stand inside them. At center stage, we can see a display case, and every person who stands in that case, even someone who does not have scoptophobia, can be uncomfortable. The display case represents attention from other people because the objects in the museum are always started at, and oftentimes there are judgments and criticisms, and the only thing that protects the character from those things is the thin layer of transparent glass. It portrays the feeling of anxiousness, frustration, and unable to breathe. There is also shattered glass all over the stage floor and cracks on the display case, this symbolizes that the little protection that the character is feeling (being inside the display case) is all broken and the character is fully exposed to other people.
Looking at the model, I intend to create an atmosphere of uncomfortableness and attention. When I was exploring my mood board, I found out dark colors are very prominent. In my model, the color choice, black, communicates the idea that there is nothing but the eyes, which portrays the fear that the person is feeling. The shattered glass all around the floor and the cracks on the walls and the ground also give my audience a feeling of melancholy, as if the whole world shown in this model can break very easily.
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