In Ken Liu’s short story “Paper Menagerie” Jack’s, the main character, understanding of his identity changes and develops through the author’s use of dialogues, _______, and________.

In Ken Liu’s Story, “Paper Menageries”, the author used the plot to show the change of Jack throughout the story. In the beginning, Jack loved his mother and the paper menageries very much. In paragraph 8, “I laughed, startled, and stroked its back with my index finger.” Since he was still young, he did not know the difference in his cultural identity with others. He loves “Laohu” and the other paper animals. However, his identity himself changed when he saw the other children. Jack said “I had never thought of Laohu as trash. But looking at him now, he was really just a piece of wrapping paper.” His American friend, Mark, influenced how Jack thought of his cultural identity. Jack wants acceptance from the other kids; therefore, he started to question himself about his cultural identity. Jack identifies himself as an American until Jack’s mother died. Finally, he accepted both identities. The plot change effectively showed Jack’s understanding of his identity.