In the past few years, governments have struggled to ban single-use plastic. Banning single-use plastic is not an effective way to save our oceans since it is not the only problem of plastic polluting the sea and people might use other materials to replace plastic which will pollute our sea even more. Some who disagree would say single-use plastic are killing our marine life. However, the problem is not plastic, it is the people.
Banning single-use plastic is not an effective way to save our oceans because it is not the only problem. A research by the United Nations Joint Group shows that land-base sources account for up to 80% of worlds marine pollution, 60 to 95 percent is caused by single-use plastic . This shows that only 28% of marine pollution is caused by single-use plastic. Marine pollution is also caused by plastic products and rubbish. Banning single-use plastic might help a bit but it doesn’t improve our ocean quality, only stopping it from getting worse. If people only ban single-use plastic, the situation just goes on. Therefore, banning single-use plastic is not an effective way to save our oceans since it is not the only reason causing marine pollution.
Banning single-use plastic is not an effective way to save our oceans because people might use other materials to replace plastic which pollutes our ocean even more. For example, the city of San Francisco has banned plastic bags and sold people paper bags and recycled bags. ( abc7 news)Since recycled bags are not fully implemented, only a few shops sold them so people usually use paper bags. However, a study by the US Environmental Protection Agency, paper bags generate 70% more air pollutants and 50 times more water pollutants than single-use plastic. This is because four times as much energy is required to produce it and 85 times more energy to recycle it.This demonstrates that the materials that people use to replace plastic often harms our environment more by releasing the pollutants into oceans and the air. Also, governments had to spent more money on recycling paper and recycled bags. If using other materials pollutes our ocean and environment even more, we should use the convenient plastic.Therefore, banning single-use plastic is not an effective way to save our oceans because people find ways to replace it.
Opponents might argue that single-use plastic harms our marine life so bags should be banned. According to a recent research by the National Geographic, 700 species of animals have been reported – so far – to have eaten or ensured in plastic. Even though animals sometimes mistake plastic for food, the problem is not plastic, it is the people.( merchant, Ami Ndioye ) Firstly, animals were often ensured by plastic that were blown into the sea. If people throw the plastic bags into the rubbish bins, the lighter plastics such as single-use plastic will not be blown to the sea and the animals won’t get ensured. Secondly, the marine animals are more often ensured by fishing nets, not plastic that human on land use.Therefore, banning single-use plastic is not an effective way to save our oceans because plastic pollution is often affected by human responsibility.
Overall, banning single-use plastic is not an effective way to save our oceans because it is not the only problem of plastic polluting the sea and people might use other materials to replace it. Even though some people say single-use plastic harms our marine life, it is the problem of human, not plastic. Also, banning single use plastic might lead to other major issues
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