Helena’s characterization

In Shakespeare’s play,A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Helena’s experiences unrequited love for Demetrius, who is in love with her best friend, Hermia. Helena is really unstable towards Hermia’s compliments, she is jealous that Demetrius loves Hermia, and is thought to be beautiful by Hermia. It is really clear to see that Helena is suspicious of Hermia’s compliments, when Hermia greeted to Helena by saying “Godspeed, fair Helena” (line 180), she reacted intensely as questioning “Call you me ‘fair’? that ‘fair’ again unsay. Demetrius loves your fair. O happy fair!” (line 181-182). It might be a really normal greeting way for Hermia as a bestie. However, in Helena’s view, she thought it was making fun of her without thinking, so she yelled at Hermia right away. Hermia is confused and denies loving Demetrius, but Helena said “None, but your beauty. Would that fault were mine!” (line 201). Although Hermia was saying something good about Helena, Helena thought it was mean. Helena complained “How happy some o’er other some can be! Through Athens I am thought as fair as she. But what of that? Demetrius thinks not so. He will not know what all but he do know. And as he errs. Doting on Hermia’s eyes. So I, admiring of his qualities” (line 226-231). Even though the whole Athens think she’s as beautiful as Hermia, Demetrius ignored her and pursued Hermia. This led Hermia have the thought of that “go tell him of fair Hermia’s flight” (line 246). Because of the jealousness of Helena to Hermia, she wanted Hermia to end up running away with Lysander unsuccessfully, so that she can’t follow her true heart but chose to be killed or marry Demetrius. Hermia thinks Helena is beautiful by saying “Godspeed, fair Helena! Whither away?” (line 179). This shows that Helena is fair, which means beautiful. Also, when Helena thought “Through Athens I am thought as fair as she” (line 227). Although Demetrius ignored her beauty, the whole Athens thought she was as beautiful as Hermia.