
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

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Fish Cheeks Found Poem

“Fish Cheeks”

By: Amy Tan

The story talks about Amy, a Chinese American teenager, and she had a crush on the minister’s family’s son. When she knew her mother invited the minster’s family over for Christmas Eve dinner, Which horrifies Amy about what Robert’s family will think about the difference between their two cultures.

The conflict in this story is External ­– Man vs Society. Because in the information, Amy, who is the protagonist, is feeling desperate; about her mother inviting the minister’s family over to have dinner with them and her relatives. Amy doesn’t want Robert and his family to come with a lighted mood and go with a disappointment. Therefore, Amy and her family members formed a Character vs Society type of conflict. I added a few short phrases such as “dipping them,” “arrived in,” “I cried,” “clamor of doorbells” to make connections between longer terms; to emphasize the tone in the poem. Overall, the poem verifies the conflict in this story and leaves a possible ending. It is why I concluded it with the sentence from the story: “Your only shame is to have shame.”

About the author

Analysis of the story



Earth’s Timeline

Earth’s Timeline

Coronavirus Fake news Debunked

This is the ppt we used to make video about debunking some of the myths and false facts about coronavirus. And telling people about some of the true possible cures for coronavirus.

More edits to make on myth busting

Three goal to be done before Friday:
1. Add more evidence in to our presentation to make it more convincing.

2. Deciding on how should we represent it.

3. Finish organizing the slide shows.

Two challenges:

1. Finding valid information that support my claims.

2. Don’t know how should I explain facts so that people think if reliable.

Myth buster blog post 1

2.I wonder how can we make it more creative not just in a form of PPT?

2.I wonder if we can make it into a small animation?

3.Well designed product.

3.A well written script

3.The final product is well organized.

Create and Improve

3 original goals:

  • Finish designing a pen cap for my tactical pen.
  • Add a scope on my tube.
  • Design different types of arrows for my shooter.

2 challenges:

  • Making the scope for my pen.

There wasn’t any finished scope for me to use, so I made one by using a flattened cylinder and a normal cylinder.

  • Designing the cap of my pen.

At first I don’t how to make sure the cap can fit on to the pen, but after some research I learned that if I made the thickness of the pen 0.5 mm bigger than the the outer-rim of the pen;  it will fit the pen cap.

1 goal for tomorrow:

  • Be prepared for the presentation.

Express it: Create and Improve


3 original goals:

  • Finish designing the shooting tube
  • Find the right thickness for the gear to fit on the tube
  • Design an arrow for the pen.

2 challenges:

  • Designing the arrow of a pen.

Then I realized I can  use a drill cylinder and a wavy topped cylinder piece to make a simple arrow.

  • Designing the right thickness for the gear to fit on to the tactical pen.

It was hard for me to add a small gear on to the pen, so I enlarged the scale and then put it together. Once they are grouped I change them to the right scale.

1 goal for tomorrow:

  • Identify some modifications to make on the prototype 1.

Develop and Plan


To make the self-defense weapon, I may face some challenges during the process of designing and building the prototype. The first is that I need to learn how to create all the components of a pen in tinkercad. The second is that I need to make sure my printer doesn’t malfunction, to make sure that the prototype works the way I designed it. Three things I want to achieve in ignite week are successfully created my self-defense pen. And improve on tinkercad by adding more specific details to my designs. And last to improve my skills in finding an object’s dimension.

Express it: Define and Inquire

– The more tension you put on a rubber band the farther it can shoot.

-According to Prezi, rubber bands that are thicker are harder to stretch.

-Thinner plastic rubber bands can shoot farther than thick ones.

-Thicker bands shoot closer than thinner bands, but more powerful than thinner rubbers is,  because they have different type of polymers.

Thin rubber band design

Thick rubber band design

Focusing designs:
What I am trying to make is a kind of a portable self-defense weapon that is hard to notice. As a student, I think the best way to hide and use a self-defense weapon is a stationary device. I have been searching for DIY videos about making pen weapons using rubber bands. (Youtube DaveHax) He used a classic slingshot technique to fire pen lead. I notice some innovations in building on it. He made pen guns out of two different types of rubber bands – a thin one and a thick one. I notice that when he used a thicker rubber band, the speed of the pen lead is more potent than the one he made with a thinner group. But the distance it shoots decreases. The point of self-defense weapon is that you can scare your enemy off. So, in that case, I think to scare your enemies off the item needs to be convincing.


Fentress, S. (2017, July 20). The science of rubber bands [The science of rubber bands] [White

paper]. Retrieved March 1, 2020, from Moment of science website: https://indianapublicmedia.org/


Hax, D. (2018, February 2). How to make a pen gun – stationery weapon! [Video file]. Retrieved from      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YFQnF1eD_w

Mufti, I. (2018, June 28). Does the width of rubber band affect how far it goes [Does the width of      rubber band affect how far it goes] [White paper]. Retrieved May 1, 2020, from Prezi website:      https://prezi.com/itlmhdvkzbxz/does-the-width-of-a-rubber-band-affect-how-far-it-


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