
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Tag: humanities

Humanity book introduction –Unpunished Murder

Unpunished Murder by Lawerence Goldstone

Unpunished Murder, by Lawerence Goldstone. talked about how the modern United States federal government, and political had formed and operated, by combining informational and illustration text together.

Inequality could be overcome with  out standing courage, is one theme I think that matches this book.

Evidence from the book:

  1. “It would, then, take a man of exceptional commitment and courage, someone whose belief in equal justice for all was more important than public acceptance or even career advancement, to successfully pursue these killers.” (Goldstone 141) This paragraph described a lawyer called J.R. Beckwith who risked his life to bring the case against the Colfax killers.
  1. “Levi Nelson made a powerful witness, not simply for what he said, but also how he said it. A plain man, dressed in “Sunday best,” Nelson spoke softly, and was sometimes halting, but never seemed unsure of what he was saying. His memory of the events was vivid and when he was cross-examined by one of the [defendants’] lawyers, he never wavered at all from his story.” Which these coloured skin witness risked their life by doing this. Because during and after the civil war black men’s live were constantly threatened by white supremacist.

In my perspective I don’t recommend this book to readers who is not particular interested in politics and history. First of all this book is going to be confusing at the beginning if you don’t have enough basic knowledge on how the federal government work in United States. Another reminder for those who still decides to try this book is that the author a lot of the times skip from current events, to other events that may be associated with it or somehow connected. Which made feel quite confused when I was reading the book.

One thing that I learned in this reflection unit is how to identify informational and illustration text and what are the purpose of them.


MSND Magazine

This magazine is about Lysander’s character analyses, the character from Mid Summer’s Night’s Dream. So, I included three significant evidence about him that showed he is a very romantic and calculating man. And the reason that I put Han Solo on the magazine cover is that in their correspondence movie, they both desire a woman, they are very cautious they make clear plans for the future. So the personality traits of these two characters are mostly alike and identical.

Additional Links:

  1. Character Analysis
  2. Character Analysis 

Humanism Task

Miss Marple CER Paragraph

Truth is not what you always think. Miss Marple talks about how Miss Marple solves a murder case when she is not in the actual scene but only from the details his shrewd solicitor Mr. Petherick and his client Mr. Rhodes. Eventually, Miss Marple found out who murdered Mrs. Rhodes and deciphered the murderers method. Truth is not always what you think.  


In the story Miss Marple, by Agatha Christie, the author believes that truth sometimes is inconsistent with what you think. Dont think it is possible Mr. Rhodes broke in: Nobody could come in or go out through my room without my seeing them, and even if anyone did manage to come in through my wifes room with electrician seeing them, how the devil could they get out again leaving the door locked and bolted on inside?( Christie 5) It showed that Mr. Rhode is compromised in his thoughts and getting farther away from the truth that he thinks is impossible.


As the truth unfolds, Miss Marple kept implying to Mr. Petherick, and Mr. Rhodes that all the witnesses were tricked by the murderer and explained to them what happened [Mr. Rhodes] is engrossed in his work. But Mr. Petherick has interviewed the same women in a different capacity. He has looked at her as a person. (5) This explanation showed that the murderer used other peoples common sense to fool thesumselves.










Fish Cheeks Found Poem

“Fish Cheeks”

By: Amy Tan

The story talks about Amy, a Chinese American teenager, and she had a crush on the minister’s family’s son. When she knew her mother invited the minster’s family over for Christmas Eve dinner, Which horrifies Amy about what Robert’s family will think about the difference between their two cultures.

The conflict in this story is External ­– Man vs Society. Because in the information, Amy, who is the protagonist, is feeling desperate; about her mother inviting the minister’s family over to have dinner with them and her relatives. Amy doesn’t want Robert and his family to come with a lighted mood and go with a disappointment. Therefore, Amy and her family members formed a Character vs Society type of conflict. I added a few short phrases such as “dipping them,” “arrived in,” “I cried,” “clamor of doorbells” to make connections between longer terms; to emphasize the tone in the poem. Overall, the poem verifies the conflict in this story and leaves a possible ending. It is why I concluded it with the sentence from the story: “Your only shame is to have shame.”

About the author

Analysis of the story



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