My biggest success
I think my biggest success it to make this product in a limited time with limited materials. As covid started to getting serious again, lots of material I needed can’t arrive in the limited time. I only can use the materials arrived before and anything that I can use at home. Though without lots of materials, I still made the product out to solve the problem about food waste.
Advice I’d give a future student doing this project would be
I think one important advice will probably be, make sure you have all the materials you need before you start to build your product, maybe after you finish the designing you can start to getting the materials. Limited materials really can’t let your product be as perfect as you think before.
My biggest obstacle
Instead of my limited materials, the biggest obstacle is that I don’t have a platform to let the for stick to be stable at the beginning, because they are too thin glue didn’t work out, so I used more stick under them to make them more stable and can handle more weight on it.
(For some reason, pic just didn’t show up, i will email to Mr.Layman)
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