
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein


My name is Andrew Ma but I prefer Andy, as that was what I was called for the most part of my life. I enjoy going outside, having fun with friends, and exploring the world. Some sports I enjoy are tennis and basketball.

Grade 9 Science Project- Reflect and Share

(Above) The final product for reference use.


My project is a downscaled water turbine, capable of turning gravitational potential energy (water flow) into kinetic energy (when the turbine spins and causes the gears to spin) and finally into electrical energy (when the kinetic energy turns the dynamo, the dynamo generates electricity). It consists of three major areas, being the water setup, gearbox+turbine, and the dynamo setup.

Question 1: How does my product work? Does it work consistently?

The water turbine utilizes the magnetic fields within the dynamo motor to generate electricity, which can then be used to power a LED light. In order to power the turbine, a substantial amount of gravitational potential energy is needed, which in my case, would be the water out of a tap. My product works quite consistently, not needing any electrical power,  as well as lasting a long time, due to the dynamo being quite sturdy. However, a flaw with my project is that the turbine could only power the light when turned clockwise, and not counterclockwise. As discovered, if we turned the turbine counter clockwise, the gearbox would break, as we used glue to attach the gears onto the axles, and once twisted vigorously in the other direction, the glue would eventually break.

Question 2: What was the high and lows of your project?

A high for me would be the productiveness of my group. My group was able to work on task and efficiently during the entire span of the project, which helped our project massively—as our project was rather hard to accomplish—. However, a low for my team would be the designing of the turbine, which required vigorous work and countless discussions, in order to weigh out the pros and cons of each design. However, our group managed to work through the hard tasks, and succeeded in the end.

Question 3: What would you improve next time?

For my product, the resistance (friction) in the steel axles and particularly in the dynamo was very high, which caused our product to not work with regular school taps (water source), and requiring more water pressure to turn the water turbine. If I were to attempt this project again, I would have paid more attention to the axles and joints in our product, as ball bearings could have massively helped in terms of reducing friction. As well as the gearbox, being more negative than positive, as it generated more torque at the exchange of more friction.

Question 4: How well did your group do?

Our group did decently well, as we only worked outside of class once, and only briefly. However, every rose has its thorns. As a result of the friction, we were only able to power the turbine via our hands (hand crank), as the school water had too less pressure, and resulted in the turbine not turning.

Question 5: What impacts does your product have on the real world?

If our product would be slightly improved (less friction and torque), our product could benefit many individuals globally. It is capable of harnessing the energy of gravity, and turning it into usable electrical energy. If our product was scaled up, perhaps it could generate massive amounts of electricity, which would benefit millions worldwide.


Grade 9 Engineering Project- Create and Improve

  • Start of Project (Feb. 21st)

Gathered materials necessary for our first cardboard prototype.

Efficiently built a cardboard “replica” that was hand cranked.

  • Start of construction of the big model (Feb. 23rd)

Constructed a simple efficient gearbox (around 2:1 ratio)

Began the construction of the dynamo setup

  • Finish of Dynamo setup (Feb. 27)

Added supports and stabilizers for the dynamo setup areas

Attached LED to the dynamo (works well)

3D Printed first prototype of turbine (did not work because top and bottom were too thin (3mm)

  • Polished the build and printed more turbines (Mar. 1st)

Added a Rudolph the reindeer to make our project a bit more aesthetically pleasing

3D printed two more designs (one of which failed, due to the supports being broken due to gravity.)

Grade 9 Engineering Project- Develop and Plan

Sketch (Blueprint)

Above is the first sketch/blueprint of our model, which is a water turbine that can generate electricity via the gravitational potential energy of the water. The model consists of 3 main parts, being the faucet/water source, the turbine, and the dynamo setup. The original idea was that the water would turn the turbine, which was connected to an elaborate gearbox (to generate more torque) and ultimately spin the dynamo, which would in turn, power the lightbulb.

Materials list:

  • Wood (the platform and walls of our turbine consisted of wood, which was sturdy and water resistant).
  • Hot glue (used to quickly attach pieces of wood together and was sturdy).
  • Plastic gears (to gain more torque),
  • 3D printing device (in order to make the turbine).
  • Metal axles (sturdy and light, and was easily attached to the gears and turbine).
  • Dynamo (for generating electricity).
  • LED (powered by the dynamo, shows that electricity is generated).
  • Water (Needed for the turbine to spin).

Timeline for our project

February 21st :

  • Start of project.
  • Planned the idea, and sketched out a model.
  • Made a replica out of cardboard and styrofoam.

February 23rd

  • Made gearbox out of wood and glue.
  • Began construction on the dynamo setup.

February 27th

  • Finalized design, and polished the mechanisms.
  • Started to decorate the exterior.

March 1st

  • Finished decorating, ready for presentation.

Goals we want to succeed:

  • Generate electricity
  • Have consistent working rates
  • Look decent
  • Sturdy

G9 Engineering Project Define and Inquire

Define and inquire

Potential Ideas in Mind

  1. Wind powered car

Details: This would be a wooden car, similar to a sized up hot wheels car, that has been added with a motor along with a wind fan. The idea would be that the wind generated by the motor powered fan would be enough to move the car, thus transforming electric energy to wind energy to kinetic energy.



Pros: Quite sturdy and straightforward.

Cons: Very low chance of success, as motors are unlikely to be very fast.

  1. Motorized car + dominos

Details: This car would be like an rc car, having being motorized and capable of moving forwards with speed. The idea would be that when powered on, this car would ram into some dominos, turning electric energy provided by the motor into kinetic energy.



Pros: Very easily built, and can be finished easily.

Cons: Very drab and simplistic.

  1. Wind-up car/rubber band car

Details: This car would be like any regular car, but its main force of energy would be a rubber band. It utilizes the potential energy in the rubber band to generate amounts of kinetic energy, and thus allowing the car to move.



Pros: Very clear energy transfer.

Cons: Might not work.

  1. Water turbine design

Details: This water wheel would be powered by a flow of water (potential gravity), and then using the rotation of water wheel, I could utilize a motor to generate electricity (LED light).



Pros: A challenging project, if it works it will be very impressive.

Cons: Quite hard to make.


Anti Food Waste Design

My client’s favorite food was sushi. The reason they didn’t like to eat sushi anymore is that sometimes their sushi falls apart. My fix was an invention called “Anti-fall-apart-o-matic”. It consists of a general tube that houses the sushi, along with a slit in the sides that allows the user to push the sushi up the tube. This tube doesn’t allow the sushi to fall apart as it holds it tight and once you push the sushi upwards, the sushi will be perfectly fine and ready to be eaten.

What inspired me?

Subway trains really inspired me as I saw how they smoothly moved through their almost tunnel like tracks, which also allows the subway to be safe as it is contained by the tunnel. I later used this idea for my project.

Materials I used:

-Electrical Tape

-Cardboard Pipe

-Popsicle stick


andy ma’s capstone project


Many regard earth as a beautiful planet, teeming with wildlife and greenery, however times have changed. Along with the technological development of humanity, more and more waste has been neglectfully dumped into our oceans.  

To many, plastic pollution is no bigger problem than a power shortage, however it’s the unawareness and laziness that allows plastic pollution to thrive today.  

5.1 trillion pieces of plastics exist in our oceans, killing off 100,000 sea animals and releasing 108 million metric tons of Carbon Dioxide into our atmosphere, resulting in bigger problems such as Global Warming. In fact, so many plastics exist in our oceans that garbage patches as big as triple the size of Texas are formed. However, these consequences aren’t even close to the biggest problem that plastic pollution creates for humans—microplastics—. 14 million tons of microplastics lie on the ocean floors, ranging from 1 millimeter (about 0.04 in) to 10 millimeters (about 0.39 in). These small yet deadly microplastics contaminate our food and water, and once consumed, cause organ damage, reproduction problems, blockage of digestive system, poisoning, and more. The worst part is that microplastics aren’t biodegradable, meaning that they will forever lie on the ocean floors if we don’t act. 

Luckily, as of today, many organizations and individuals have already started to fight against plastic pollution, gaining more members over time.  

In fact, as stated by recent study conducted by, 36 companies here in China have already adopted the use of biodegradable products as well as eco-friendly packaging. Such change can also be seen in customers and individuals. As a result of companies adopting the use of eco-friendly materials, a recent study conducted by shows that customers are 76 percent more likely to buy products that are labelled environmentally friendly. This is great news as this data shows that great progress has been made in terms of reducing plastic waste. Furthermore, individuals can be seen acting against plastic pollution, one example is 19-year-old, Joshua Caraway. According to Global Citizen, young Joshua Caraway was spotted picking up littered trash at Miami Beach after his friends had refused to help. As a result, Joshua’s heroic actions were photographed by a police officer patrolling the area, which later went viral on the internet, inspiring people across the world. Such examples of individuals taking actions show many that they are not alone in the prevention of plastic pollution, acting as encouragement for others. 

As a result of the increased awareness of plastic pollution, more individuals strive to learn how to raise awareness and support the campaigns against plastic pollution in our oceans. 

According to seasave, an international program dedicated to the prevention of plastic pollution in our oceans, we can avoid the consequences of plastic pollution by being more responsible with our plastic products in ways such as avoiding littering, throwing them into recycling bins, and helping to pick up littered plastics. We can also decrease plastic pollution by using permanent water bottles rather than plastic one-time-use ones and using products made from biodegradable and eco-friendly materials. We can also support those in the field by donating to funds such as the UN global fund and/or Team Seas as they research specific alternatives to plastics and create machinery that can pick them up. As a result of such actions, epagov has concluded that we recycle around 35 million tons of plastics annually nowadays, which is great news compared to the 15 million tons recycled annually during the 1990’s. Furthermore, the help of individuals has led to many influencers spreading the message, leading to 90 percent of all humans believing that a global plastics treaty is necessary, as stated by a survey conducted in 28 countries by the WWF.  

Lastly, plastic pollution in our oceans is a deadly problem that has been neglected for over two decades. It’s the neglect and laziness humanity give towards plastic pollution that allows it to thrive on our earth. Therefore, it is necessary that we act now, before it’s too late, and give our future generations the beautiful earth we once knew.  

Works Cited

Batkai, Morgane. “These 19 Companies Are Ditching Plastic Packaging.” Foodtank, Apr. 2022, Accessed 14 May 2022.

Bradley, Georgienne. “Plastic Pollution.” Sea Save, 1 Nov. 2021, Accessed 14 May 2022.

Excell, Carole. “4 Ways to Reduce Plastic Pollution.” World Resources Institute, 6 Apr. 2021, Accessed 5 May 2022.

Law, Kara Lavendar, and Richard C. Thompson. “Microplastics in the seas.” Science, 11 July 2014, Accessed 14 May 2022.

“Wasser 3.0.” Background and overview of microplastics, 2022, Accessed 14 May 2022.

Humanities Cuban Revolution Journal

During this unit, we learned about the Cuban Revolution and constructed a journal using our learned knowledge. Here is my book!


December 3rd, 1953


Dear Diary,


Times are hard for my family and I. Ever since mother’s death our family has been crippled to one worker, father being too old for the fields. Being a cane cutter does not pay well, most workers and I were subjects of torment and the harsh conditions of the fields. Especially after Batista’s coup cane prices have dropped to dirt cheap, making income almost impossible. Father has suggested me to find a job in the factories, hoping for a bit more income. It was a couple months ago that I decided to take a visit to the factories, hoping for a better job. As I arrived, I could see a mob of men, women, and children hoarding the steel gates of the factory. Large billows of black smoke poured from the crooked chimneys as men shoveled coal into the furnaces. I tried my best to weave through the thick crowd as a plump man selected the workers needed. His finger pointed rapidly, dodging women, children, and the crippled. I doubted that I was getting selected, as my body was feeble and rather thin. But however small the odds were, the man’s finger pointed towards me, causing relief to spread through my body like wildfire, I had gained a job. The pay from working in the factory is substantially higher than the meager pay given for being a Zafra, however, factory work takes its toll. Ten or more hours of grueling work is expected for a salary, those who cannot stand the work were fired and new recruits were brought in. After my recruitment, I was immediately assigned a role in the factories which was manufacturing the tank engines sent to us by the United States. It involved putting various elements together, forming an engine which was later brought to the next station for assembly.


I continued my job for a long span of time however, my father and I were still not able to escape the grasping hand of poverty. Ever since Batista took over, Cuba has been different, the people and I felt used, our pleas were ignored and the rich feasted on delicacies whilst us, the people stood in the shadows. Cuba need change, real change. Yet however hard and low paying factory work was, there was no other option, income was impossible as the cost of many necessities skyrocketed as well as our pay getting lower and lower, leaving no space for financial improvements. During work however, I met a newcomer whose name is Pedro. Pedro tells me that his family was once rich and powerful, thriving in the sugarcane business. However, with Batista’s uprising, sugarcane prices have plummeted to an all-time low and his family’s business was seized by the government. I could tell that Pedro was from a privileged family as his hands were silky smooth and he wore his work clothes in such a fashion.


As I’m writing this, our financ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ial conditions are in shambles, we barely have enough to buy clothes yet alone eat. Cuba’s poverty was masked with the flashy casinos and luxury yachts owned by the rich. Batista who is a puppet for the U.S. seems to be making Cuba into a tropical hideout for the rich and a hell hole for the poor. During my walk to work I can’t help but notice the hordes of homeless people and men, women, and children crowded at the gates of the factory. After a while, I have concluded that if Batista stands, there won’t be any change for Cuba’s people. I must act.


March 14th, 1956


Dear Diary,


It has been a three and a half since Batista’s election—at least they say it’s an election—. Since I last wrote, Cuba’s conditions have worsened and worsened. Many teenagers and workers are now facing unemployment and extreme poverty. The factory has closed due to many workers going on strike, leaving my dad and I with no form of income. I’m told of peaceful marches and protests held by students, workers, and the ones in poverty. However, their plan yields no fruit. It was a couple months ago when a group of revolutionaries launched a full-scale attack on Batista. However, their revolution was short lived as they were soon overcome by the enemy fire and eventually captured. However, miraculously, the rebels were let out of prison by an amnesty of Batista. Since the election, Pedro and I have become better friends as the times are hard and an extra pair of hands always comes in handy. Unfortunately, our joy was short lived as we still had no source of income. Pedro has told me his plan to revolt against the corrupt government, he wants to travel to Mexico where he would meet the revolutionaries and join them in their revolution. This thought is frightening to me. Even though the majority of Cuban citizens dislike Batista’s dictatorship, only a meager amount is brave enough to lash out. We would have no financial support at all, as the rich only desire for Batista’s regime to continue. The odds were too small, a group of untrained citizens versus Batista’s crushing government and the army. However, if we do not fight back, the people’s message would not be seen, and Cuba’s dictatorship would be cloaked with its unaffordable luxuries.


Pedro and I have planned a route. We would travel to Cayo Largo on motorbike—given by Pedro’s family—, where we would find a job to eventually afford the boat tickets. Once we arrived in Mexico, we would search for the rebels. Our plan sounded smooth, but lacked procedure and alternatives. If we failed, we would end up in jail, or worse. I told Father that we were going on a trip and would come back soon.


The day of our departure was chaotic to say the least. Pedro and met at the factory gates where he was waiting on his bright red motorbike. We rode the bike for a long stretch of cobble road until we reached the outskirts of Havana. We then transitioned onto the dirt road, the rigid dirt causing our motorcycle to bump around here and there. After what seemed to be hours, we had finally arrived in Cayo Largo, we could see a city in the distance, with crooked buildings whose windows chattered in the wind. We felt unwelcomed as we walked in, the gloominess and loneliness of the city reminded me of an old western film I used to watch.


Pedro and I managed to find a job at the local factories. We were already exposed to the harsh conditions before, so the grueling work did not surprise us. After a week or so, we managed to scrap up enough money for the boat fares. Blisters were forming on our hands and scabs from injuries and the work we did in the factories. Time passed quickly and we were ready for our departure.



Dear Diary,


Pedro and I trekked a couple miles to the boat location. We passed beautiful wildlife and smells of ripe mango lingered in the air. The sand crunched beneath out boots as we arrived at the destination. We were greeted by a stout man with a limp stand who smelled like anchovies. The man introduced himself as Diego. He gave us some life vests and we paid him the money. Diego slowly counted the money while hymning a song. Pedro and I was led to the boat, a battered-up steel boat, which looked as if it would break apart any second. Along the hull, in chipped red paint, read “La Valiente”, the name of the boat. We joined a hoard of men, women, and children who were on the boat. The sound of the engine starting was covered by the chattering emitted from the passengers.


The trip was rough, the tides and weather making it even worse. We had finally arrived in Mexico, a shining country with beautiful architecture and landscapes. The city we arrived in, Mexico City, was dotted in festival lights and grand buildings. We were told news of the revolutionaries and how they were recruiting new members at a local restaurant. Pedro was elated at the news, and we hoped to join the revolutionaries as soon as possible. We planned to find the revolutionaries at dawn.


The sun was peaking over the mountains, and we started towards the festive center of the city. We reached the restaurant that housed the revolutionaries. The horns of a beast of some sorts were mounted on the sign. As we entered the eerie interior of the restaurant, we were greeted by two men, one was muscular and large, the other was thin and tall.


“You looking to join the revolution?”, the large man asked.

“Y-yes”, Pedro answered, clearly intimidating.

“Follow us.”


We followed the two men into a room at the back, where we were greeted by a small huddle of men. Most were injured or looked glum, and there was one at the back, with a large black beard.


“That’s Castro”, Pedro had told me.


Castro greeted us with in a welcoming tone, saying that he respected us for our contributions.


As I’m writing this, the revolutionaries and I are hiding in the Sierra Maestro where we had done most of our attacks. Since I last wrote, Batista has become weaker and weaker, and we have gained more and more followers. The lengthy revolution was at its climax, and Batista’s defeat was approaching. We had lost some of our comrades, however, this did not stop us. Using our Molotovs and mortars scavenged and made from scraps of defeated military barracks, we spread our message throughout Cuba and the world. A couple of reporters from foreign countries had traveled with us, asking us questions, and broadcasting our message worldwide.


I’m more than glad that I had joined the revolutionaries. Cuba was changing by the minute, more and more people joined in on our message, spreading the revolution like wildfire in a vast woodland. I hope that Cuba may rise, and a peaceful leader would take the place of Batista, giving Cubans a country of harmony and peace. May God Bless Cuba!

Common Craft Humanities Video

In this unit, we studied about the Cuban revolution and how the brave revolutionaries freed Cuba from its oppressors. Here is a short cartoon video we made about the Cuban revolution:

Hope you enjoy!

Flesh and Blood so Cheap Notebook Pages!

During this unit, my bookclub members and I read Flesh and Blood so Cheap and took notes about the book. These are my notes for Flesh and Blood so Cheap.

Here is a brief summary of Flesh and Blood so Cheap:

Flesh and Blood so Cheap is a brilliantly written nonfiction book written by Albert Marrin that portrays the countless struggles that immigrants face as well as the demonic treatment workers received in sweatshops and factories. Throughout the story, viewers witness the horrors and struggles that many immigrants, workers, and other “minorities” face.

Here are the themes of the Flesh and Blood so Cheap:

  1. Greed and ignorance caused from the opinion that labor was a product will lead to disaster
  2. Poor working conditions will lead to disaster

Finally, here are my notes:

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