Our complete final product is a motor boat that demonstrates the energy transformation of electrical energy to mechanical energy. In the Define and Inquire stage, we brainstormed ideas on the product that we were going to create, keeping in mind the materials, space, and time provided. After deciding that our intended audience was children, we looked at videos for inspiration. The ideas that caught our eye were ones that contained an energy transfer to kinetic energy. In the Develop and Plan stage, we drew blueprints of the initial design and listed the measurements and materials needed. While spending time and searching around in the Design Center, we figured that there was no need for a separate on and off switch since the battery already had one on it. We also defined our success criteria and goals for this project, specifically the function of the boat. In the Create and Improve stage, we went ahead and built our design while adjusting things on the way. This stage was also a chance for us to test the prototype and receive some peer feedback. I believe that this stage was definitely the most challenging as a lot of the initial ideas did not work out. For the Reflect and Share stage, we presented our final design to the class and got some more feedback to reflect on.
Looking at the rubric and our success criteria, I would say our design was a success as it is functional, solves the design problem, and targets the intended audience. However, we could have improved our design if there was time after receiving peer feedback to further attract the customer/audience. The overall appearance of the boat could have also looked better if the two sides were symmetrical and we painted colors on it since bright colors will also attract our audience. Using a more water proof material for the wheels would have further stabilized the paddle because the wooden popsicle sticks were not water proof.
I believe that our design meets the design specifications because it demonstrates the energy transformation from electrical energy to mechanical energy. The battery powers the motor, which then transfers the electrical energy to potential energy. The stored potential energy is then released and is transferred to kinetic energy. Therefore, the kinetic energy transferred from the electrical energy is what allows this boat to move. Additionally, the toy was completed on time and acts as great entertainment for the intended audience, which meets the design specifications.
I am the most proud of the boat being able to float and move on water. We were pretty nervous at the beginning because we thought the weight of the motor and batteries on the boat would be too heavy and would eventually sink it. The most challenging part in my opinion was getting the wheels to function and move with out getting it caught on the side of the boat. Since some of the thicker metal skewers in the design lab could not fit into the motor, the ones we found were too short so we had to move the wheels to the front of the boat for it to be able spin properly. This process took a long time as we were constantly fixing the angle of the bottle cap and the length of the popsicle sticks. During the tests, the hot glue also did not seem to keep the pieces intact as one popsicle stick paddle and a few magnets on the fish fell off during the tests. Ultimately, this engineering project was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed learning a few new skills.
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