Sketch planning:
9 V mini-DC water pump
6 V solar panel ( 13.5 x 12.5 cm )
Terminal on-off switch
Sunboard – Can be replaced with foam boards, but foam boards might warp with too much moisture
Fake plastic plants
Plastic rectangular box – might have to change the size to not waste too much water since the plants aren’t real
Cardboard – Double wall + single face
Plastic PVC tube
1L empty plastic coke? bottle – might have to change sizes to match proportions with the rest of the device
Schedule Plan:
Feb 17-
1.Planning/sketching device
2. gathering materials
3. cutting + gluing cardboard
Feb 21-
1. Painting cardboard
2. Cutting cardboard + sunboard
3. gluing sunboard to bucket
Feb 23-
1. attaching water pump to the cardboard, using PVC plastic tube to connect to straw
2. soldering solar panel, dc water pump, terminal switch together
3. cut cardboard for switch, attach switch to cardboard, attach cardboard to rest of the cardboard
4. paint sunboard
Feb 27-
1. get water bottle and cut into thirds, attach single face cardboard around the bottle
2. melt a hole through the bottle (with soldering iron), attach straw through hole
3. attach straw to PVC tube connecting to water pump