Syringe Catapult
by Brian Huang and Eric Zhang.

This is our syringe catapult we created over the course. When you push on the syringe, the catapult launches a projectile. When the syringe is pressed, the air travels to another syringe connected to catapult and pushes it, thus launching the catapult.
Over this project, our biggest takeaway was learning how to create a design based on the design process. We learned how to engineer a catapult by generating ideas, creating plans, and creating the product.
Success criteria
-Able to launch/fire a small ball
-Teaches students about energy transformation
-Clearly shows mechanical, potential, and kinetic energy
-Students can have fun playing with the toy
-Safe to use and appropriate for classroom environments
-Uses a syringe lever
-The base and platform are stable
-Inclined slope on the triangular base at an accurate angle
-The platform stays connected after each launch
-Neat/uses different colored popsicle sticks/
The strength of this catapult is that it functions properly, and it is stable. The base is strong and supports the rest of the catapult. The syringe is firmly attached to the platform with hot glue. The syringe catapult functions well and meets the intended purpose of launching a small projectile. The product clearly shows the types of energy transformations with the syringe lever and catapult. The base is inclined at the intended angle, and the platform stays connected after every launch according to the success criteria. Afterall, our product completes our objective of allowing students to learn about energy transformation in a fun catapult toy.
According to the success criteria, our weakness would be the visual appeal. We could have made the design neater. On some parts of the design, tape can be seen sticking out and hot glue can be seen from outside. Another weakness is that we could have increased the size basket on the catapult. The small size of the basket only allows a small projectile to fit. Any larger ball or object would not be able to be launched by the catapult. This limits the range of objects students can play with on this catapult. If we were to do this again, we would also change the length of the catapult to make it larger. And increase the angle it launches at so it would launch with more force.
What are you most proud of?
For me, the part I am most proud of is the creating part. It was a lot of fun to glue the parts together and test the prototype. I am proud of finishing this project and I am proud that the catapult works successfully.
What was most challenging?
For me, the most challenging part was the planning phase. Drawing the models and figuring out the measurements were particularly time consuming. It took me a long time to draw the plan with the right measurements according to the materials we have.
How and why your toy/device meets the design specifications?
Our design meets our design specifications because it corresponds well to the target audience and objective from the define and inquire phase. Our catapult was created to help students to learn about energy transformations while having fun. This design suits that well because it targets the user and target audience of students and teachers because it is safe to use and fun for kids to play with. The product meets the desired outcome when it clearly shows energy transformation in a toy that can be used to teach energy transformation to students. Teachers or parents can teach students about energy transformations using this simple toy, providing an example for students to learn from in their daily life. In conclusion, our design meets our design specifications by linking it with our success criteria, desired outcome, user, goal, target audience, and beneficiary.
Overview of the design process:
Throughout designing and creating this project, we followed the design process. We followed the design cycle. In the beginning, we started with define and inquire phase. In this phase, we had defined the goal, user, target audience, success criteria and desired outcome. Our goal was to demonstrate energy in a toy. Using the goal, we also defined the other parts of our define phase and filled out our success criteria. After defining our focus, we started researching design ideas from precedents, and we decided upon creating a catapult that demonstrated kinetic and potential energy. Then we decided to combine the catapult idea with a syringe lever to create a syringe catapult. Next, we started the development and plan phase of the design cycle. We developed our design concept by combining the catapult toy and syringe lever, and we planned our design by creating concept sketches and design plans. We created a sketch to show our design concept and present our idea. Then we created a plan with measurements of each piece and the materials required. When we finished developing our ideas and planning our design, we started working on the create and improve phase. First, we created a prototype to model our design so we can seek feedback and find errors in our design. After receiving some feedback and finding new ways we can improve our design, we started iterating our success criteria and plan to create our final product. We applied the iteration and changes onto our final product and finished our syringe catapult. Finally, we reflected on the strength and weaknesses of our catapult and analyzed it according to our success criteria.
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