“The Last kiss” by Ralph Fletcher

The external conflict in the story “The Last Kiss” by Ralph Fetcher is between the child and the dad. In the story, the child wants a kiss from his dad, but his dad refuses to kiss him. The child tries to get a kiss from his dad by saying “it’s bed time”, and hoping that he gets kissed. After that, the child waited patiently for the dad to kiss him, instead the dad “turned way”. The child understood that he was “too old to be kissed”, and learned he needs to grow up. This is an external conflict because the child is trying to get a kiss from his dad that’s refusing to kiss him. The conflict is between two characters therefore it is an external conflict. In my found poem, I decided to use a picture showing a person growing up enable to show that the main character is growing up and going through a change. I also used another picture to represent that he changed at the end of the story. In addition, I highlighted important words that describe the conflict red.


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