
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Tag: Humanities

Is Welfare Benefitting Our Society or is it Flawed?

Over the course of this project, I researched about the topic of welfare programs. I want to address both sides of arguments about wether welfare benefitted society. I wanted to provide an unbiased analysis on welfare programs. The reason I chose this topic is because we had a relative family in Canada that is using welfare benefits enable to overcome their tough situation. In the essay, I addressed both the positive and the negative impacts of welfare.

The Cuban Revolution: A Time Full Of Chaos

This is a historical fiction journal that I wrote about someone who experienced the Cuban Revolution first hand.

In this journal the main character goes through the struggles of the Cuban Revolution. He is a farmer telling a story from the perspective from an average peasant’s perspective. As he suffers from the tough conditions and oppressive law, he asks himself, “Should I stand up and fight?” Conflicted with the different outcomes of his decisions, he makes his choice.

The results of the Cuban revolution can be controversial. On one hand, Batista’s government oppressed its people, and Castro helped achieve better standards for Cuba. Castro helped construct better social equality, making healthcare and education more accessible. On the other hand, the revolution led to many other conflicts that could threaten to bring a catastrophe. For example, the Cuban Missile Crisis was infamous during the cold war for hanging the world off of a cliff. However, I would insist that the benefits of the revolution outweighs the negatives. The revolution was necessary for the Cuban people since Batista oppressed the lower class. Due to the harsh conditions for the people, it was inevitable for a rebellion to form. It is estimated that Batista murdered up to 20,000 Cubans. Imagine yourself in a situation where you work hours everyday, cutting down sugar canes. After your hard work, you anticipate for some compensations, but your salary is minimal, barely able to support yourself. It seems like you have no hope of improving under the current government. A revolution seems like the best outcome for you. Subsequently, the leader of the rebellion, Fidel Castro, promises to bring social equality to Cuba. The Revolution brought equality to Cuba, and improved the standards of the lower class. Additionally, Castro limited landholdings, allowing the poor to be able to claim more land. He bridged the gap between the social classes. I would argue that this is an improvement for Cuba as the majority of people used to be peasants suffering from Batista’s oppressive regime. In general, the  Cuban revolution was beneficial for its people since it brought social equality, improved countless lives and established a more supportive government.

How the Cuban Revolution Escalated-Brian Huang

The Image above is a portrait of Che Guevara, a famous revolutionary in the cuban revolution. He was communist revolutionary fighting to bring equality to the general public. He worked with Fidel Castro in the Cuban revolution to use Guerrilla warfare tactics against Batista’s army.

I created this video along with my friends, Jonathan and Timothy. Our goal was to create a video to explain the cuban revolution in a simple manner that anyone can understand. We sampled videos from “Common Craft” which is a group that makes similar videos explaining complex topics. We used cut-outs and drawings to help the audience picture the events. The cuban revolution was fought by Batista, Cuba’s dictator, and the M-26-7 rebellion led by Fidel Castro. The main goal of the rebellion was to bring socialism and reform Cuba. Castro, the leader of the rebellion, claims that he is fighting to maintain the rights of Cuban people. At the time, Cuba was a corrupted country when Batista used a military coup to become dictator.

If you want to find out more about the Cuban revolution, watch this video!


Photo citation:

“Ten Days a Madwomen” by Deborah Noyes, Central Ideas and Theme

The book, “Ten Days a Madwomen” by Deborah Noyes, is a biography of Nellie Bly. In the book, the author tells the story of when Nellie Bly went undercover in 1887 to investigate an insane asylum. Nellie Bly was a female reporter working in New York in the late 19th century. Due to sexism, Nellie was getting paid less than men, despite doing the same job. She was struggling with her financial situation, so she decided to go undercover to investigate Blackwell Island’s Lunatic Asylum that had a notorious reputation. She spent 10 days inside this asylum and discovered the dark reality to how the patients were treated at this place. Over the course of reading this book, I started to analyze the theme and central idea.  I came up with 2 central ideas: society mistreats the minorities by race, sex and their attributes by suppressing and abasing them; mentally ill patients should be treated better by the asylums when they are being tortured.

Firstly, I analyzed the cause and effects I found in the story to the find some central ideas and themes.

After that, I brainstormed the possible themes for this book. I listed some evidence to support each of my themes. I also provided reasoning for why I chose the themes.

My First Them

I came up with my themes by choosing the best themes from the list I made. The one I chose here was society mistreats the minorities by race, sex and their attributes. The minorities are suppressed and abased by the society.

I also corrected some words that may be hard to read

My 2nd Theme

My second theme that I chose is Blackwell Island was built to treat insane patients; however, the patients are not being helped. Mentally ill patients should be treated better by the asylums when they are being tortured.

Thank you for viewing my blog.

If you want to find more about Blackwell Island Lunatic Asylum click this link:


Dear Martin-Book Talk

My name is Brian. This is a book talk on the book “Dear Martin” by Nic Stone. This book was a very fun book for me and i would recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn about real-world issues such as racism. This book is fast paced and suspenseful. I guarantee it will keep you entertained through out the book. This book gives the first person perspective of an African American experiencing racial inequality.

Brian BlogPost

Brian BlogPost

Happiness Summary

Happiness plays a major role in our lives. Negative emotions will occur naturally, but pretending to be happy won’t provide true happiness.  Being optimistic can efficiently help you overcome obstacles in life.  It can also help you make Superior decisions. Data has shown that people that are happier tend to have better overall health. A common misconception by many people is mistaking money with happiness. Wealth doesn’t always achieve true happiness. These days, many people are suffering from mental illnesses such as depression. Valuing happiness will help our society. Sometimes there isn’t a better goal then just be happy.


My Favourite


The category I chose: book

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Even though this is not on my top 10 favorite books, I still chose this book because it’s the first chapter book that I remember, I have ever enjoyed reading. Now, I don’t really like the book that much, but at the time it was my favorite book.

The reason it’s important:

The reason it’s important to me is that it’s the first chapter book that I remember, I have ever enjoyed reading.


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