
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Blog Post #3: March 18th

•Ensure you’ve reflected on data collection and visual/financial modelling completed by the team
•Do you feel that your product has met the goals you set at the start of the process?
I feel that our product has almost met some of the goals we set at the start of the process. But because we ran out of time, our goals at the start of the process are not the same and we modified our goals throughout the process. We made new goals and got rid of goals. An example of one goal we had was to actually make the food idea in the kitchen.  But due to timing,  we were more focused on other factors we forgot about making the food physically. We did complete the goal of pricing our product. How we essentially got this done was by Britannia creating a survey for other people including ourselves as group members to fill out. The purpose this survey served was to gain more variety of opinions and different perspectives. So we decided to sell our food idea in packs of 6, 3 different flavors. The price for a pack of 6 soup dumplings is about 35 RMB. We may change the price again, because we are still working on how much it is to make one soup dumpling.
•Did design choices still fit your target audience?
Design choices still fit our target audience. We decided to have our soup dumplings sold at theme parks or restaurants according to the survey. So the target audience changes depending on where we decide to sell this product. But the design of the food itself is made for kids so they can see the alphabet letters in dumpling or when they eat the dumpling and see alphabet letters. We also have different flavors of soup dumplings so due the variety, new audiences can be formed.
•What would you do if you had more time or resources?
If our group had more time or resources, our group would have done some things differently. We would’ve tried to find a times lot to bring ingredients to create the food idea, and taste test it. Me & Britannia wanted to work on packing of product but had to shut down that goal because of time conflicts. We wanted to theme the packaging/presentation of food depending on whether we sold it from theme park as snack/main course or from a restaurant.
•How would you evaluate your contributions to the team? Anything you’d like to work on in terms of teamwork?
I would evaluate my contributions to the team. We all worked together well, with feedback given from all members of group. In terms of team work anything i’d like to work on is including everyone and making sure everyone has a word in what goals we want to complete. In projects such as these, communication is a vital strength because a member in our group was passionate on creating the food item in kitchen but because our group member didn’t tell us, we didn’t receive a chance to do so.  Making sure that we’re all focused on our goals as a group and making sure we all do our part but having fun as well.

Blog Post #2: Week of March 11

•What progress has your team made so far? Have any new ideas, questions or challenges arisen from this work?

We got results back from survey which helped us come up with new ideas to develop our product. Some challenges we ran into was from the survey, people said they would most likely find this product in a restaurant, in second place we got theme parks, and 2 places tied which were stores & night markets.  So we’ll have to narrow down our ideas for the ideal place to sell our food product. A new idea that I may be interested in focusing on besides packaging is the experience when receiving the food. If I end up working on packaging for soup dumplings for a restaurant, I would be more focused on the presentation of the food, so that the customers have a creative, memorable experience. Some ideas on presentation of food is by using a mini escalator or elevator. In some sushi restaurants they have conveyor belts where customers can grab the sushi, I had a similar idea expect with an escalator. Each step on mini escalator would have a little plate/bowl with a soup dumpling with  varying in flavors. This is just an idea though, so in the end this may be left behind for a different project if plans change.

•What progress have you and your group made on collecting data?
As an individual, I’ve made progress on packaging ideas of the food product and thought of different ways we can advertise the food through the data we collected from survey results.  Our group has done pretty well, we’ve got the top 3 flavors Chicken noodle soup, Alphabet soup and Onion soup.
•How was it collected?
This data was collected through a series of questions people answered in the survey Britannia created. My personal progress was collected when I sketched out my ideas for packaging on white board and took a picture so I can update or add on new ideas.
•How has that supported your design choices?
The survey was very useful when it came to design choices due to now knowing how many soup dumplings customers would prefer along with pricing. So as I create the packaging, I can add these to my design choice. According to results from survey, customers preferred packs of 6 dumplings
•Have you worked on visual or financial modelling? If so, provide some insight into those processes.
I’ve worked mainly with visual modeling due to my focus being on advertising the product. Better ways I have found so I can advertise my product in more productive ways is by finding the main target audience, what locations they’re likely to go to and what portions and flavors they are interested in.

Food Science Blog Post #1: Week of March 4

What is your product idea & who is your audience?

The product idea is soup dumplings. At the moment, one of the soups that is in the dumpling is alphabet soup, which is our main idea. Our target audience is towards all ages but younger audiences might be more interested in this product due to alphabet soup being a familiar food for kids or teenagers. Other target audiences are people that enjoy eating hot/warm foods. Tourists and foreigners travel to have new experiences. So they can have a memorable, new experience with food Tourists/Foreigners are already out of their comfort zones to try our food/product idea. This product could be convenient for families, not only depending on size of families but depending on how many portions of dumplings they want to buy because they have other stomachs to feed.

What are your plans for data collection and modeling, as a group or individual?

The plans for data collection and modeling as a group/individually is by pin pointing where we want to sell our product before anything else. Doing research on popular places people visit and common places food needs to be sold. Individually, I have decided to do research on theme parks and foods that are sold in them. Because theme parks like Disney provide such unique, creative, magical food ideas, our goal is to create a food that can be added to Disney or Universals restaurants. One of our group members, Britannia has done research on the Disney website to see which restaurants would be the best fit for our product. While I’ve been doing research on the Universal Studios Beijing park.

What is your role in the team?

My role in the team is finding a location of where this food would be sold. We  will find a location as soon as we get results from the survey Britannia created.  I will then collaborate with Britannia on the theme of our food idea.


What are some potential challenges you may run into over the next 2-3 weeks?

Some potential challenges we may run into over the next 2-3 weeks may be realizing people could have allergies to this food. We may find flaws in our product if we decide to actually test out cooking and eating this food. When we get results from Britannias survey, we will be able to find out more of our weaknesses & strengths of our food product.


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