
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Category: Myself as a Learner

Reflect and Share

When I showed my half-finished ballista, my peers thought it would be very cool if it worked. When I reflected on my work, I could have planned everything through before making it happen so that I would not waste time making multiple versions of one part and trying out every type of screw. If I can do this project over again, I will take my experience and complete the project in the time range given to us. This project taught me the importance of correcting every detail without wasting time.

Welcome to Your New Blog!

When you blog you create posts and posts are categorised according to your subject. Some categories have already been set up for you. If you need more categories you can add them as needed. It’s important that your posts have the following:

  • An engaging title – this should not include the name of the subject since this is referenced in the category.
  • Body – this is where you share your learning. This can include text, images, embedded videos from Dragons’ Tube or elsewhere. You should always consider how your post looks to your audience. Is it engaging? Do they want to keep reading?
  • Category – select one that has been set for you or add a new category. Posts can have more than one category e.g. Humanities and Myself as a Learner

Click on the images below to learn more about blogging:



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