Lip Balm Trial One
Trial One
Beeswax 1 part=0.8g
Shea Butter 1 part=0.8g
Coconut Oil 1 part=0.8g
Almond Oil 2 parts=1.6g
Peppermint Essential 2 drops
- Double Boiler
- Spatula/Spoon
- Lip Balm Tube
- Kitchen Scale
- Place the beeswax, coconut oil, shea butter, and sunflower oil in a double boiler on top of a saucepan of simmering water. Stir gently until all are completely melted.
- Remove from heat and stir in essential oil
- Carefully and quickly pour the liquid oil mixture into lip balm containers and allow to sit until product has completely cooled. For faster results move the lip balm to the fridge after it’s cooled slightly.
- After it is cooled, the lip balm is finished.