Lip Balm Trial Two
Feedback I Received
- “Very smooth and creamy.”
- “The shape could be better.”
- “The scent is strong. Let it cool for a longer time so that it doesn’t become detached.”
- “You could lower the amount of oil added.”
- “Maybe put more butter or wax in there.”
This time around, I made a few changes in my procedures and recipe according to things that needed to be improved in the first trial and the feedback I received:
- I increased the total amount of the ingredients slightly (from 4g to 4.5g). I hope to ensure that losing some material during the transfer from the beaker to the tube won’t affect the result.
- I increased the relative amount of beeswax and butter (beeswax from 0.8g to 1.0g, butter from 0.8 to 1.3), and decreased the amount of oil (coconut oil’s proportion stayed the same, almond oil from 1.6g to 1.3g). This is because I found my first trial to be too soft (to the point where it doesn’t slide up and down normally in the tube), and realized that the recipe was more for the type of lip balm that is applied with the finger.
- I made small changes in the procedures and tools list to make the process clearer. In trial one, I wasn’t in control enough to make sure no mistakes occurred.
Below is my updated plan.
Beeswax 1.0g
Shea Butter 1.3g
Coconut Oil 0.9g
Almond Oil 1.3g
Peppermint Essential 3 drops
Total 4.5g
- Spoon
- Lip Balm Tube
- Kitchen Scale
- Heat Plate
- Small Beaker
- Big Beaker
- Thermometer
- Weigh all ingredients in the small beaker.
- Place the beeswax, coconut oil, shea butter, and sunflower oil in the small beaker in the big beaker with 100 ml of simmering water. Stir gently until all are completely melted.
- Remove from heat and stir in essential oil*.
- Carefully and quickly pour the liquid oil mixture into the lip balm container and allow to sit until product has completely cooled.
- After it is cooled, the lip balm is finished.
* Record the temperature at which I started to stir in the essential oil, and also the temperature at which I poured it into the tube.