Energy Transformation Project—Develop and Plan
- “Smart-water” plastic bottles x 3
- Bendable straws x 3
- Cardboard (enough for the base at section 4 and the box being put over the right side)
- Wooden skewers x 4
- Hot glue & glue gun
- Plastic wrap
- Paper & tape
- Twist drill
- Water
- We will create the sections of the entire structure in order (1—>4). After making section 3, we will first construct the base that section 4 will rest upon.
- The hole on top of the “hotel” box must be aligned with the opening of section 4. This hole will be necessary for the water to be poured into 4.
- The size of the twist drill and the diameter of the straws don’t have to be exactly the same, but should be close.
Success Criteria
- The structure can stand on its own/is stable
- The fountain actually functions
- The product is created methodically and looks neat