
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Food Science-Food Product Development Blog Post 3

Ensure you’ve reflected on data collection and visual/financial modeling completed by the team.

  • In the financial model, the material cost is shown as the price bought in bulk and after a discount. This ensures that we profit most from selling our product and minimizing material costs.
  • The materials that cost the most are peanut butter and the dumpling skins. I was unable to find peanut butter sold in bulk through various websites and shops, which meant that we could not push the cost down for the peanut butter+chocolate flavored dumplings.
  • The dumpling skins in the model were the cheapest premade skins I could find online and offline. We have considered making our own dumpling skins for our product, but that meant more time and effort spent making each dumpling, so we gave up on the idea and stuck with premade dumpling skins.
  • Both models use data from surveys that were sent out before.

Do you feel that your product has met the goal you set at the start of the process? Did design choices still fit your target audience? What would you do if you had more time or resources?

  • I would say that our group was successful overall. I think the intended consumers have shifted from an international market to a more American market; however, our aim has not entirely shifted. The three final flavors we decided on are more American-based: Pizza, cookies and cream, and peanut butter+chocolate. Even though the three flavors are directed to the American market, pizza is an Italian food, which still connects to the international food part of our original goal. If we had more time, we would develop different flavors from different regions of the world to satisfy the international market. We might also continue with the dessert dumpling sauce idea and create a sauce that would fit our dumplings. We dropped the idea of different textured dumpling skin at the beginning of our project. If we had more time, I believe it would be nice to pick up the idea and have a mochi-textured dumpling skin for the Japanese market or a crunchy taco shell dumpling skin for the Mexican market.

How would you evaluate your contribution to the team? Anything you’d like to work on in terms of teamwork?

  • I have made my contributions, and so has everyone else in the group. We all complete the jobs according to our roles. As a team, we have done well; however, I think we could have worked better together. We spent most of our time working on our own tasks and rarely cooperated with each other. Although we all had specific tasks we were working on, I believe our project would have been better if we worked more as a group instead of individually.

Food Science-Food Product Development Blog Post 2

What progress has your team made so far? Have any new ideas, questions, or challenges arisen from this work?

  • After testing some dumpling ideas last week, we spent most of our time designing our package, collecting data on consumer surveys, and financial planning this week. After testing and tasting the dumplings, we thought we could add a sauce for our dessert dumplings, just like how you would dip regular dumplings in vinegar or soy sauce. The more successful dumpling flavors were the chocolate ones and the peanut butter ones. The lease successful flavors were the mixed berries and the nut dumplings. The mixed berries dumplings were too sour to fit for a dessert. We tried adding sweet chocolate to moderate the sourness, but it had little effect. Unless we used artificial flavors for the mixed berries, we would be unable to produce a mixed berries dumpling filling that fits the word “dessert.” The nuts-fillings were too dry for a dumpling, so our group gave up on the idea. The food product development project has been smooth sailing; there were no major challenges that we encountered as a group.

What progress have you and your group made in collecting data? How was it collected? How has that supported your design choices?

  • We sent out a survey for consumer choices. The survey was a paper survey, and we only made people in the school do the survey. Most of our replies were from high school students, which might have affected our results. Because this survey was sent out during class time, we had limited replies, another factor affecting our results.

  • After collecting data, the top three flavors consumers wanted were Chocolate+Peanutbutter, Cookies and Cream, and Pizza. 
  • Most consumers would like to have the product sold in a supermarket.
  • 15RMB is the most common price in our survey.
  • 6 dumplings per box occurred the most in our results.
  • This survey helps us with our packaging design as it helps us understand what customers would expect when they think of dumplings.
  • This also helps us with marketing. It provides a brand name favored by the majority and helps us with pricing.

Have you (or your teammates) worked on visual or financial modeling? If so, provide some insight into those processes.

  • The survey helped us with our modeling. The financial model shows us the material cost and profit for each dumpling flavor.

  • The survey also helped us design our logo and packaging for our product. Our brand name, “Blissful Bite Delights,” is the most suggested name from our survey. Most of our product decisions depended on the survey we sent out: the finalized flavors, the amount of dumplings in packaging, and the packaging colors.




Food Science-Food Product Development Blog Post 1

What is your product idea, and who is your audience?

  • Our food product for this project is dessert dumplings. With Asian dumpling skins and international fillings (fillings from different parts of the world to satisfy different people), we aim to sell our product to everyone (the international market). Another potential audience is kids. Kids are more likely to be attracted by sweets. Desserts warped in dumpling skins can attract kids’ attention and make their parents buy the product. Kids can also easily convince their parents by claiming that it helps them learn about different food (dessert) cultures around the world.

What are your plans for data collection and modeling as a group or individual?

  • We plan to send out a questionnaire about potential flavors for the dessert dumplings, which will help us collect data from our target audience. We will also make a visual model of our product, including our logo and packaging for our dumplings. In addition to the visual model, we will also include a financial model to show our material cost, selling prices, and the profit we make.

What is your role in the team?

  • I focus on the financial planning part of the team. I will make the financial model, keep track of the material prices, selling prices, and how we market our product. I focus on financial planning but also work on other parts of the project. Everyone in the group comes up with dessert filling and dumpling skin ideas. In our first week of the project, we came up with various ideas and tested some dumpling fillings to see how they worked with traditional dumpling skins. We thought of mochi skins instead of plain dumpling skins. For fillings, we thought of mixed berries, chocolate, peanut butter, nuts, fruits, and flavor themes, such as tropical flavored, refreshing flavored, and winter flavored.

What are some potential challenges you may run into over the next 2-3 weeks?

  • For the next 2-3 weeks, we will focus on coming up with new dumpling ideas/test dumpling flavors. I need to work on the cost analysis worksheet; we need to send out a survey and start our packaging model and marketing plans.

Trying out different ways to prepare dumplings and different fillings:

Trying out different dumplings

Grade 9 Engineering Reflect & Share

Which success criteria do you think was hardest to achieve and why?

Making the guillotine was easy, but making one that looked nice was quite challenging. Connecting parts with wood glue made the joints extremely strong, but it will also take a long time to glue. Super glue is easy to use but makes it hard to make changes later. Hot glue is the most effective, but it looks messy. Since we were running out of time when we started assembling the guillotine, we used hot glue for assembling as it was the most effective.

What was your 2nd and 3rd best idea, and after completing the project, do you think either of those ideas would have worked better than your current idea?

My 2nd and 3rd best idea after completing the guillotine was making a miniature helicopter and a small foam motor boat. With the guillotine, we had to work with wood, meaning we had to be accurate and careful when we made our own parts for the guillotine. However, with the helicopter and the motorboat, there are already pre-made parts for the motors and propellers, so we could handle the building process easier. This means we won’t have to rush doing the project and could spend some time improving the looks of the project.

What safety considerations were you reminded of while manufacturing your product?

We had to be careful with all the machines in the lab and wear safety goggles when using any device. We had to hold saws in a specific way when walking with them so we wouldn’t hurt others.

If you had an additional teammate, what aspect of the project would you have assigned them to make your final product better?

If our group had an additional teammate, we would make our guillotine bigger. However, having more people would not be better because more people could lead to more controversial decisions.

If I had another chance to do this project, I would not make a guillotine because there are small parts that makes it complicated to make(our group wasted too much time trying to make the support parts, especially the side support). I would make something like a  foam motorboat or a miniature helicopter for this project because they would be easier to make.

I would say that my project this time is a fail. Out of the three success criteria, we have only been able to achieve one of them. We were able to make the guillotine function, but the blade’s cut was not as smooth as we wanted it to be. Even though the project was a fail for me, I learned a lot of woodworking skills during the two weeks.

Grade 9 Engineering Project-Create & Improve

Create Day 1:

On day one, we spent most of our time planning our project. After that, Patrick started making the base for the guillotine, and I made the table. We combined the two parts before class ended.

Create Day 2:

We spent most of the class making the different support parts. The side support(the long stick with the middle cut out, it looks like the letter “U” on the side) was especially tough to make, and we had to ask for help making this part.

Create Day 3:

We began making the blade part of the guillotine; since we could not find a suitable blade part, we had to sharpen one ourselves. An obstacle we encountered when making the blade was drilling holes in the blade part to stabilize the blade on wood.

Create Day 4:

We finished making the blade part, started testing the blade, made the counterweights, and made the pulley support. I had to remake the pulley support a few times because the wood kept splitting apart while drilling.

Create Day 5:

This is the last day. We started assembling all the parts together. I tried using wood glue for most parts, but it turned out that it was not as efficient as I thought, so we used hot glue instead. Gluing the pieces took longer than we thought, and we were running out of time. Since we had so little time, we removed many support parts, such as the pulley support and the diagonal support bar on the side. We were able to complete the guillotine before class ended. In my opinion, the guillotine is incomplete because many parts were removed, and it needs to be neater to be considered a good project.

Grade 9 Engineering Project-Develop & Plan


For the Grade 9 Engineering Project, I decided to make a mini guillotine with Patrick.

We plan to follow and change some parts to make it easier.


Making the Base:

For the Base, we decided to remove the “foot” because it seemed useless and we made everything else the same as the guide.


Making the Table:

For the top of the table, I decided to use cardboard instead of wood because it was easier to cut, and we kept everything else the same.


Blade Making :

We could not find any blade the had an angle so we decided to use a broken hinge and sharpen it.


Support Parts and Assemble:

We choose to make all the support parts but then realized that most of them were useless later on, so we just ignored them.


Success Criteria:

-Make a functioning guillotine(a guillotine that can cut certain softer things)

-Finish the guillotine within the two-week time limit.

-Make a nice-looking guillotine(no visible glue, nothing that looks like it is about to fall apart).

Grade 9 Engineering Project-Define & Inquire


In this project, we will design and make a device that shows energy transfer in two weeks.


Idea 1:

How to make RC Helicopter at home | 100% flying - YouTube

My first idea was a small DIY helicopter that is controllable.  I have always loved to make flying objects, and a controllable one makes things even better. This helicopter transfer energy from potential chemical energy (battery) to kinetic energy (moving and flying). Getting the materials and controlling the helicopter (shifting the propellers for different situations, such as levitating or flying up/down) could be Obstacles I encounter with this idea.

Interest Level: 5/5

Safety Level: 3/5


Idea 2:

How to make a DC motor Paddle Boat | Easy DIY Toy Boat - YouTube

After deciding that a helicopter was too hard for me, motorboats came to my mind since it was easier to make. This is similar to the helicopter as it also transfers potential chemical energy to kinetic energy. This idea is much easier to make than the helicopter because I can control it with sails or change how the paddle rotates when it needs to turn around.

Interest Level: 3/5

Safety Level: 4/5


Idea 3:

Small Spark Gap Tesla Coil

I have always wanted a Tesla Coil, and I found that I could use this Engineering project as a chance to make one myself. The Tesla coil can transfer the potential chemical energy in a battery to electrical energy and send them into the air. The downside of this idea is that the coil is hard to make, especially getting specific materials.

Interest Level: 4/5

Safety Level: 3/5


Idea 4: YAQUMW The Mini Counterweight Trebuchet Europe Medieval Siege Equipment Chariot Catapult Weapons DIY 3D Wooden Puzzles Model Kits for Adults STEM Projects Tabletop Toy Birthday Gift : Toys & Games

The ideas before were all electrical and “high-tech”, so I wanted to go with something more historical and “old-fashioned” for my other ideas. The trebuchet uses gravitational force and transfers stored/potential energy to kinetic energy. If done well, this idea would be challenging to make but doable in two weeks.

Interest Level: 4/5

Safety Level: 3/5


Idea 5:


1792 guillotine explained

The previous idea was a little dangerous, this inspired me to come up with some “old-fashioned entertainment”, and the first thing that came to my mind was a guillotine. The guillotine also uses gravitational force and transfers energy to kinetic energy. The difficulty of making a guillotine a similar to a trebuchet but slightly safer.

Interest Level: 4/5

Safety Level: 4/5

Hugo’s Capstone Research Project-Climate Change

Climate Change is Affecting Children Life, How Can we Help?

Picture 1-Chimneys emitting smoke and other vapors into the atmosphere. | PHOTOGRAPH BY JAMES P. BLAIR

The small conversation about rising temperature unfolds into a term commonly used by scientists, climate change. As the name suggests, it is no longer just about our planet heating up, the weather is also changing due to the several types of gases that trap sunlight in the atmosphere, also known as greenhouse gas.

Picture 2-An ash plume from an Indonesian island. |PHOTOGRAPH BY JOHN STANMEYER, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC

Climate change is becoming an issue for the world. The United Nations added Climate Change to one of its Sustainable Development Goals also known as SDGs. Climate change is caused by carbon emission in the atmosphere (usually volcano eruption, burning coal, etc.), trapping sunlight in the earth, leading to raising sea, global warming, and unstable weather.

Climate change is still a pressing issue even when there is clean energy such as wind power and solar power. Climate change is not just about unstable weather, it also affects animal (including human).

According to United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (or UNICEF), “Every year, over half a million children under the age of 5 die from causes related to air pollution.” (UNIFEC). On top of that, arctic life is also endangered due to climate change, fossil fuels are still mankind’s main energy source. Luckily, a few countries are trying to step up by lower greenhouse gas emissions.


Endangered Polar Life

Picture 3-Polar bear jumps from one ice float to another. | PHOTOGRAPH BY RALPH LEE HOPKINS, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC



A new US government report has found that if greenhouse gas emissions continue at their current rate, polar bear populations will start to rapidly decline as early as 2025.” (Christian Science Monitor). The polar bears are not the only ones with decreasing population, most of the animals nesting in the poles are also endangered.

The icy terrain is a first-rate preying ground for frosty hunters, sadly, the warming seas are forcing these white coated huntsmen to retreat into the dusty earth to find food. Some researchers explain that food on land is hard to obtain and may not fill a bear’s belly.

Once the icecaps started melting in both poles, some countries started a polar rush, seeking for untouched resources. Icebreakers generates more greenhouse gas the needed, causing more melting icecaps and perhaps leading to the extinction of polar bears and other arctic species.


Irreplaceable Fossil Fuel

Picture 4-Between tow oil pumps, a gas flare burns.

Along with solar power, there are also many other types of clean energy that have not replaced fossil fuel. When thinking about burning fossil fuel, the first things that comes to mind are greenhouse gases, a harmful smell, and burning smoke that poisons the earth. Luckily, some brainy homo sapiens have invented things like waterwheels, windmills, and solar panels to generate power. However, humans are still unable to detach from fossil fuel, below are three main reasons why humans are unsuccessful in braking away from nonrenewable energy.


First, efficiency, “Earth’s fossil fuel reserves were formed over millions of years as the organic material of ancient plants and microorganisms (not dinosaurs) were compressed and heated into dense deposits of carbon—basically reservoirs of condensed energy.” (Cheek). Therefore, fossil fuel has an extremely dense quality which enables it to produce great amounts of energy with just a little fuel. This unique quality later led to the industrial revolution around the world.

Picture 5-Wind turbines turning wind into power.

Secondly, convenience, humans can access fossil fuel anytime, anywhere. On the other hand, clean energy such as solar power and wind power is dependent on weather and has a low accessibility. Fossil fuel does not rely on neither weather, time nor location.

Lastly, fossil fuel is well-established. It has been humankind’s main energy source ever since the industrial revolution. It takes time switching from one type of energy to another, just like how it would take time to adapt when switching from an Apple smartphone to a Samsung smartphone.




How Are Countries Helping? How Can We Help?

On top of the three main reasons for why humans can not abandon fossil fuel, there is another reason behind why it takes so long to adapt.

Picture 6-Smoke Stacks, carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.

“The United States and China are the world’s two largest economies, two largest consumers of energy, and two largest emitters of greenhouse gases. Together we account for about 40 percent of the world’s emissions.” (Kerry). The world requires both China and the U.S. to lead and decrease their greenhouse gas emissions to stabilize global warming. In year 2014, Chinese and Americans came together to find common ground on this pressing matter, climate change. Both countries claimed to take part in push towards “de-carbonization of the global economy.” (Kerry). Taking the first steps towards a better world.


How Can We Help Stop Climate Change?

Picture 7-Deforestation in the Amazon rain forest.

Once again, burning fossil fuel leads to global warming, it affects the lives of different species in a negative way. Polar bears and arctic foxes might go extinct in there near future, to save these cute fluffy creatures, earth requires humans to act. Humans must stop deforestation, create more clean energy, and limit fossil fuel usage. There is no big red button to stop climate change in an instant, however, human as the most developed species on earth can do something about it, leading countries could invent a power generator using carbon dioxide, using what is poison to earth as energy, or limit the amount of trees cut they cut down each year, or perhaps raise oil tax. There are tons of way to stabilize global warming and climate change. Humans just need to take action.


Works Cited

Cheek, Linden. “3 Reasons We Are Still Using Fossil Fuels.” University of Arkansas, 10 Apr. 2020, Accessed 1 June 2022.

“Do you know all 17 SDGs?” United Nations,

Fox, Douglas. “Antarctica and the Arctic: A Polar Primer for the New Great Game.” Christian Science Monitor, 12 Jan. 2014. SIRS Issues Researcher,

“GOAL 13: CLIMATE ACTION.” UNICEF Data, Accessed 1 June 2022.

Kauffman, Gretel. “What’s the Future of Polar Bears? Studies Say They May Soon Be Extinct.” Christian Science Monitor, 5 July 2015. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Kerry, John. “China, America and Our Warming Planet.” SIRS Issues Researcher, 11 Nov. 2014,

Nunez, Christina. “Global warming solutions, explained.” National Geographic, 25 Jan. 2019, Accessed 12 May 2022.

“This chart shows just how much energy the US is wasting.” The World Economic Forum, 25 May 2018,,being%20wasted%20through%20various%20inefficiencies. Accessed 16 May 2022.

“A warm blanket around the Earth.” Newsela, 2 Feb. 2015, Accessed 13 May 2022.

Design Project-The Sauce Adjusting Plate Prototype

-My biggest obstacle was that my parents thought that my unfinished cardboard prototype was trash I left in my room, so they threw it away along with all the other pieces of cardboard I collected.

-My biggest success was remaking my prototype with all the material I had left (3 pieces of A4 paper and a roll of tape). A challenge I had when remaking it with paper was that the paper was too soft making it hard to control. I was able to overcome this challenge by folding the piece of paper several times so it has the same thickness as cardboard.

-Overall, I don’t think my prototype was a success because it did not turn out as well as I planed, my prototype was completely different from my sketch and lastly, my prototype is falling apart, something breaks every time i move around my prototype.

Hugo’s Mid-Century Modern Speaker

Struggles When Making This Speaker:

Something I struggled with when I made this speaker was that I had to change designs midway. In my first design, I had to glue the bottom of the speaker to the top of my box which could effect the sound, therefore I had to change designs.

If I Could Redesign My Speaker, What Would I Do:

If I could remake my speaker, I would change the place I put the chip. With my current speaker, plugging it in would take some time.

The Most Important Decision I Made When Designing My Speaker:

Redesigning, deciding to start over when everyone was done with cardboard and starting to use wood, I had to start over from designing a box. luckily, all I had to change was the insides so i was able to catch up after a few classes.

What Am I Proud Of About This Speaker:

I am proud of designing the plastic that protects the buttons which makes the outside of my speaker water/spray proof and the easy access to buttons even with the plastic cover.

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